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Discussion dans 'Discussions diverses' créé par Endy, 27 Mai 2012.

  1. IhioYakino

    IhioYakino Mineur de Diamants

    9 Sept 2012
    2 297
    Moi aussi je crois. ^^
  2. Oh, juste un noob qui veut refiler un spin d'OpenSuSE aux noobs qui y connaissent rien. Et un noob aux commandes, c'est le meilleur moyen de se retrouver avec une catastrophe.
    T'sais, le genre de mec qui présente son spin (donc un truc tiré d'une distro existante) comme un nouvel OS, qui prétend que Wine fait tout tourner ou presque, et qui demande si quelqu'un connaît un foutu lecteur PDF, alors que s'il avait passé plus de dix minutes sous Linux, il saurait que
    Code (cpp):

    [hyeron@daemon ~]$ yaourt -Ss pdf
    extra/cups-pdf 2.6.1-2 [installed]
        PDF printer for cups
    extra/evince 3.12.1-1 (gnome)
        Document viewer (PDF, Postscript, djvu, tiff, dvi, XPS, SyncTex support with gedit, comics books (cbr,cbz,cb7 and cbt))
    extra/gv 3.7.4-1
        A program to view PostScript and PDF documents
    extra/libreoffice-common 4.2.5-1 (libreoffice) [installed]
        Common files for LibreOffice - a productivity suite that is compatible with other major office suites
    extra/poppler 0.26.1-1 [installed]
        PDF rendering library based on xpdf 3.0
    extra/poppler-data 0.4.6-1
        Encoding data for the poppler PDF rendering library
    extra/potrace 1.11-1
        Utility for tracing a bitmap (input: PBM,PGM,PPM,BMP; output: EPS,PS,PDF,SVG,DXF,PGM,Gimppath,XFig)
    extra/pstoedit 3.62-5
        Translates PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats
    extra/qpdf 5.1.2-1 [installed]
        QPDF: A Content-Preserving PDF Transformation System
    extra/texlive-bin 2013.30973-10
        TeX Live binaries
    extra/zsh-doc 5.0.5-1
        Info, HTML and PDF format of the ZSH documentation
        A PDF Viewer, which behaves like Vim
    community/dblatex 0.3.4-1
        DocBook (XML and SGML) to DVI, PDF, PostScript converter using latex.
    community/epdfview 0.1.8-5
        Lightweight PDF document viewer
    community/erlang-docs 17.0-1
        HTML and PDF documentation for Erlang
    community/gambas3-gb-pdf 3.5.3-2 (gambas3)
        PDF component
    community/impressive 0.10.5-1
        A fancy PDF presentation program (previously known as KeyJNote).
    community/libharu 2.2.1-5
        C/C++ library for generating PDF documents
    community/mupdf 1.5-1
        Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer
    community/pdf2djvu 0.7.17-3
        Creates DjVu files from PDF files
    community/pdf2svg 0.2.2-1
        A pdf to svg converter
    community/pdfgrep 1.3.0-2
        A tool to search text in PDF files
    community/pdflib-lite 7.0.5p3-3
        PDF manipulation library.
    community/pdfmod 0.9.1-6
        Simple application for modifying PDF written in C Sharp
    community/pdfsam 2.2.3-1
        A free open source tool to split and merge pdf documents
    community/podofo 0.9.2-2
        A C++ library to work with the PDF file format
    community/python-pyx 0.13-3
        Python library for the creation of PostScript and PDF files
    community/python-reportlab 3.1.8-1
        A proven industry-strength PDF generating solution
    community/python2-pdfrw 0.1-2
        Basic PDF file manipulation library
    community/python2-pychart 1.39-7
        Python library for creating Encapsulated Postscript, PDF, PNG, or SVG charts.
    community/python2-pyx 0.12.1-2
        Python library for the creation of PostScript and PDF files
    community/python2-reportlab 3.1.8-1
        A proven industry-strength PDF generating solution
    community/python2-rst2pdf 0.93-6
        Create PDFs from simple text markup, no LaTeX required
    community/raktpdf 20080320-3 [installed]
        A GTK+ based PDF viewer
    community/wkhtmltopdf 0.12.0-1
        Command line tools to render HTML into PDF and various image formats
    community/x-docs-pdf 20140422-1
        X documentation
    community/zathura-pdf-mupdf 0.2.6-4
        Adds pdf support to zathura by using the mupdf library
    community/zathura-pdf-poppler 0.2.5-1
        Adds pdf support to zathura by using the poppler engine
    aur/a2pdf 1.13-4 (7)
        Converts ASCII text to PDF format, with optional page/line numbering
    aur/abipdf 0.1-1 (4)
        Convert .txt to .pdf
    aur/acroread 9.5.5-4 (821)
        Adobe Reader is a PDF file viewer
    aur/acroread-chs 8.1.7-2 (20)
        Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing PDF files. Chinese Version
    aur/acroread-cht 8.1.7-1 (1)
        Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing PDF files. Traditional Chinese Version
    aur/acroread-de 9.4.2-1 (73)
        Adobe Reader is a PDF file viewer - german version / deutschsprachige Version
    aur/acroread-es 8.1.7-2 (12)
        Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing PDF files. Spanish version
    aur/acroread-fi 8.1.7-1 (1)
        Adobe Reader on Adoben PDF tiedosto katselin. i686/x86_6
    aur/acroread-fr 9.4.2-2 (37)
        Adobe Reader is a PDF file viewer. French version.
    aur/acroread-it 8.1.7-3 (17)
        Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing PDF files. Italian version
    aur/acroread-ja 9.4.2-1 (9)
        Adobe Reader is a PDF file viewer. Japanese version
    aur/acroread-nl 8.1.7-1 (0)
        Adobe Reader is a PDF file viewer. Dutch version.
    aur/acroread-ptb 8.1.7-1 (6)
        Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing PDF files. Portuguese version
    aur/apvlv-git 20111220-1 (10)
        A pdf viewer which behaves like Vim.
    aur/bin32-acroread-es 8.1.7-1 (2)
        Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing PDF files. Spanish version
    aur/bin32-acroread-it 8.1.7-1 (4)
        Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing PDF files. Italian version
    aur/booklet 1.0-1 (9)
        Converts a pdf to a booklet
    aur/briss 0.9-2 (56)
        Java tool to crop pages of PDF documents to one or more regions selected with a GUI.
    aur/cabaretstage 6.0.2-2 (15)
        A powerful, flexible PDF suite
    aur/chicken-pdf 1.0-4 (0)
        Chicken Scheme Egg: A library for PDF generation.
    aur/chm-to-pdf 0.01-1 (3)
        A simple Perl script to convert CHM files to PDF (based on wkhtmltopdf)
    aur/chm-to-pdf-fr 0.01-1 (2)
        A simple Perl script that converts CHM files into PDF files (based on wkhtmltopdf and file-roller)
    aur/chm2pdf 0.9.1-2 (134)
        A simple Python script that converts CHM files into PDF files.
    aur/chromium-libpdf 1:35.0.1916.153-1 (450)
        Google Chrome's PDF plugin for Chromium (stable version)
    aur/chromium-libpdf-dev 37.0.2062.3-1 (5)
        A PDF Viewer for Chromium and Chromium based browsers
    aur/couturier 0.5-1 (8)
        PDF merge application for the GNOME Desktop.
    aur/cups-ocr 0.1.2-3 (7)
        Print directly to a tiff file which feeds an OCR engine which will output a text file. Modelled after cups-pdf.
    aur/cups-pdf-beta 3.0beta1-1 (1)
        PDF printer for cups (beta)
    aur/cut2col 0.34c-1 (3)
        utility for converting 2-column to 1-column PDF documents
    aur/dalbum 144_174-1 (3)
        A free PHP photo album. It is small, easy to install and highly customizable at the same time. Features include slide shows, image comments,
        support for video and PDF files and many more.
    aur/desigle-svn 41-1 (14)
    s Simple Gnome LaTeX Editor. A simple GTK-based LaTeX editor with spell checking, syntax highlighting, auto-complete and a PDF preview
    aur/diff-pdf 20120607-2 (7)
        Tool for visually comparing two PDF files
    aur/diffpdf 2.1.3-1 (37)
        Diffing pdf files visually or textually
    aur/djvu2pdf 0.9.2-1 (115)
        A small script to convert DjVu files to PDF files
    aur/dspdfviewer-git 12.ddd82df-1 (6)
        Viewer for latex-beamer presentations that are built with the «show notes on second screen»-option
    aur/emacs-pdf-tools-git 20130411-2 (0)
        Emacs support library for PDF files
    aur/englab-doc 0.3-1 (2)
        Documentation for englab (one PDF-File)
    aur/epdfview-svn 355-1 (12)
        A free lightweight PDF document viewer
    aur/epdfview-svn-light 1-2 (3)
        A free lightweight PDF document viewer.
    aur/exactimage-svn 1859-1 (18)
        A fast, modern and generic image processing library, including hocr2pdf and other utilities
    aur/fbpdf-git 0.r75.db5da40-1 (37)
        A small framebuffer pdf viewer, based on MuPDF
    aur/fig2ps 1.5-3 (8)
        Perl script designed to convert Xfig files to postscript or PDF files, text is processed using LaTeX
    aur/figepspdf 20080601-1 (0)
        linux/unix scripts to convert FIG files to EPS and PDF
    aur/finfaktura 2.0.6-2 (1)
        Fryktelig Fin Faktura is an accountancy/billing program for Norwegian businesses. Bills are created as PDF or F60 forms.
    aur/firefox-extension-pdfviewer 0.8.1-2 (3)
        PDF viewer written in Javascript for Firefox
    aur/fl_moxgen 0.05-1 (1)
        A program to compute the dimensions of a Moxon Rectangle antenna given the desired frequency and the wire diameter. Fl_MoxGen has export to PDF.
    aur/foxitreader 1.1-5 (375)
        A small, fast PDF viewer
    aur/gdal-beta 1.11.0-1 (0)
        A translator library for raster geospatial data formats with curl and podofo (PDF) support (1.11.0beta1)
    aur/gdal-curl 1.11.0-3 (5)
        A translator library for raster geospatial data formats with curl and podofo (PDF) support
    aur/gdal-filegdb 1.11.0-4 (3)
        A translator library for vector and raster geospatial data formats (PDF, FileGDB, KMZ support)
    aur/gdatacopier 2.1.2-3 (14)
        A command-line tool for downloading Google Docs documents in various formats, OpenOffice and PDF among them
    aur/gdatacopier-svn 265-1 (5)
        A command-line tool for downloading Google Docs documents in various formats, OpenOffice and PDF among them
    aur/ghostpdl 9.07-1 (20)
        An interpreter for the Postscript language and for PDF - GhostPCL (PCL-5, and PCL-XL), GhostXPS (XPS), GhostPDF and ghostscript
    aur/gl_presenter 0.3.3-1 (3)
        A dual-screen OpenGL PDF presentation software.
    aur/gluplot 1.9-2 (6)
        A data plotting OpenGL/GLU/glut based 2D/3D graphical library program, supporting high quality plot output to PS, EPS and PDF files.
    aur/gmsh-docs 2.8.4-1 (7)
        TXT, HMTL and PDF doc for Gmsh
    aur/gnudoq 0.94-2 (0)
        An open source, graphical Su Doku generator and solver with printer/PDF support
    aur/gnupdf-bzr 969-2 (1)
        library to implement the PDF file format
    aur/gnuplot-cvs-pdflib 20100805-1 (2)
        A command-line driven interactive function and data plotting utility with many output formats (incl. PDF).
    aur/gpapers 150-1 (15)
        The open-sourced, Gnome based digital library manager. Think of it as an iTunes for your PDFs
    aur/gpdftext 0.1.6-1 (16)
        GTK+ text editor for ebook PDF files
    aur/gpdfx 1.1-7 (3)
        A graphical tool to extract parts of a PDF as a PDF
    aur/gscan2pdf 1.2.5-1 (116)
        A GUI with OCR capability to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents
    aur/gsdjvu 1.6-1 (15)
        Very efficient way of converting PostScript and PDF documents into DjVu
    aur/gspdf 0.5-1 (1)
        GNUstep pdf and ps viewer
    aur/guapdf 3.1_DEMO-2 (6)
        GUAranteed PDF Decrypter
    aur/guapdf-cuda 3.1_DEMO-1 (2)
        GUAranteed PDF Decrypter with NVIDIA CUDA support
    aur/guipdftk 0.33-2 (Out of Date) (27)
        GUI for PDFTK
    aur/haskell-hpdf 1.4.2-4 (0)
        Generation of PDF documents
    aur/haskell-hsharupdf 0.0.0-4 (0)
        Haskell binding to libharu (http://libharu.sourceforge.net/)
    aur/html2pdf 1.0-1 (7)
        An gui HTML to PDF Converter 1.0
    aur/htmldoc 1.8.27-4 (17)
        Produce PDF or Postscript from HTML documents including TOCs and Indices
    aur/img2pdf-git 0.r24.c76c63a-1 (3)
        Lossless conversion of images to PDF without unnecessarily re-encoding JPEG files
    aur/jbig2enc-pdf-git 20110922-1 (0)
        pdf.py from jbig2enc
    aur/jeboorker 0.4.2-1 (4)
        A gui ebook management software which can be merged with an existing ebook folder structure. Supports epub, cbr, cbz and pdf documents without
    aur/jfbpdf 20140423-1 (12)
        Fast framebuffer PDF viewer
    aur/jfbview 20140423-1 (11)
        Fast framebuffer PDF and image viewer
    aur/joinpdf 2.1-2 (6)
        A command-line tool to join and split PDF files
    aur/jpdf-git 1.1-5 (6)
        jpdf is a simple program which can join several pdf files into one
    aur/jpdfbookmarks 2.5.2-1 (16)
        Java PDF bookmarks editor
    aur/jpdftweak 1.1-2 (50)
        A Swiss Army Knife GUI application for PDF documents
    aur/jpeg2pdf 0.12-5 (34)
        Converts a directory of JPEG files to a PDF
    aur/k2pdfopt 2.18-1 (6)
        A tool that optimizes PDF files for viewing on mobile readers
    aur/katarakt-git 20130311-1 (3)
        A simple PDF viewer with two layouts
    aur/kde-servicemenus-image2pdf 0.9-3 (5)
         Servicemnu to convert images to pdfs.
    aur/kde-servicemenus-pdf 0.6-1 (24)
        KDE service menus for PDF documents
    aur/kpdftool 0.23-2 (13)
        GUI interface for GhostView and ImageMagick for operations with PDF and PostScript
    aur/krop 0.4.6-1 (7)
        A tool to crop PDF files, with an eye towards eReaders.
    aur/latex-media9 0.33-1 (1)
        Embed video/sound (SWF, MP4, FLV, MP3) files in PDFs
    aur/latex-pdfpages 0.4v-1 (0)
        Inclusion of external multi-page PDF documents in LATEX documents
    aur/leela-git 12.fe7a35a-1 (4)
        CLI frontend to poppler-glib of PDF tools
    aur/lhapdf 6.1.3-2 (2)
        A particle physics tool for evaluating PDFs from discretised data files.
    aur/libfm_with_external_thumbnailers 0.1.17-1 (9)
        the core of next generation file manager PCManFM with external thumbnailers for video, pdf and epub
    aur/lightweight-pdf-tools 20120904-1 (1)
        PDF toolkit, easy to use tools to join and split PDF files.
    aur/lit2pdf 0.1-2 (3)
        A program that converts Microsoft Reader .lit files to Acrobat .pdf files.
    aur/livret 0.2-2 (1)
        Booklet is a small freeware program written in Java for creating small books from a PDF document. Drops from a source PDF file containing two
        files the fronts and backs ready to be printed and stapled.
    aur/llpp 18-2 (39)
        Lightweight, fast and featureful PDF viewer based on MuPDF
    aur/llpp-git 1543.0ee9a0b-1 (66)
        Lightweight but fast and featureful PDF viewer based on MuPDF
    aur/llpp-hjkl-git 1514.d53081d-1 (6)
        A lightweight, opengl accelerated PDF viewer based on MuPDF with hjkl patches.
    aur/lpod-docs-pdf 0.9.1-1 (1)
        Languages & Platforms OpenDocument: PDF Documentation
    aur/luahpdf 1.5-1 (0)
        LuaHPDF is a module that lets you programmatically create PDF files using Lua. It does this by binding to the Haru Free PDF Library.
    aur/luapdf-git 20111110-1 (1)
        Micro-PDF framework extensible in lua
    aur/make-pdf-javascript 0.1.1-1 (0)
        make-pdf-javascript allows one to create a simple PDF document with embedded JavaScript that will execute upon opening of the PDF document
    aur/masterpdfeditor 1.9.25-2 (71)
        A complete solution for creation and editing PDF files. (Free for non-commercial use)
    aur/mediawiki2latex-git v6.5-1 (Out of Date) (0)
        MediaWiki To LaTeX converts MediaWiki markup to LaTeX and generates a PDF
    aur/mingw-w64-poppler 0.24.5-1 (3)
        PDF rendering library based on xpdf 3.0 (mingw-w64)
    aur/mkd2pdf 1.1-2 (Out of Date) (9)
        Convert markdown to pdf
    aur/moonshiner 1.0-4 (13)
        A graphical frontend for Ghostscript's PostScript-to-PDF converter
    aur/mpdfav-git r35.d7bc190-1 (0)
        Song playcounts and ratings for MPD
    aur/multivalent-pdf-tools 20060102-1 (5)
        PDF tools to compress, impose, decrypt/encrypt, split/merge from Multivalent
    aur/mupdf-git 1.5.19.ga51341c-1 (9)
        lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C
    aur/mupdf-patched 0.9-1 (Out of Date) (6)
        mupdf with sane scrolling hack, and a DPI detection hack.
    aur/mwlib 0.15.14-1 (4)
        Converts MediaWiki articles to pdf, odf, and docbook
    aur/mwlib.rl 0.14.3-1 (3)
        Converts MediaWiki articles to pdf, odf, and docbook
    aur/ne-nopdf 2.2-1 (1)
        the nice editor, without pdf document
    aur/nemo-media-columns 2.2.0-1 (1)
        Nemo extension to display music/EXIF and PDF metadata info
    aur/ocrmypdf 2.0.0-2 (1)
        OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched.
    aur/okular-backend-mupdf 0.0.1-5 (8)
        MuPDF-based backend for Okular
    aur/okular-browserplugin 20121015-1 (15)
        use okular as browser plugin without downloading the pdf
    aur/opaf-svn 2-2 (0)
        An open PDF analysis framework
    aur/open-pdf-presenter 0.3.0-1 (7)
        A program for presenting PDFs featuring a presenter console on an auxiliary monitor
    aur/pdf-decrypt 7.a0045f0-1 (2)
        Remove password-protection from PDFs permanently.
    aur/pdf-parser 0.4.3-1 (12)
        Parse a PDF document to identify the fundamental elements used in the analyzed file
    aur/pdf-quench 1.0.1-2 (6)
        A visual tool for cropping pdf files
    aur/pdf-xchange 5.5.308.2-1 (0)
        Perform simple editing of PDF files
    aur/pdf2book 1-3 (8)
        Rearranges the pages in a PDF to be printed as a book (or booklet). Print double-sided in \"short-edge\" mode.
    aur/pdf2htmlex-git 1:1173.a124926-1 (32)
        Convert PDF to HTML without losing format. Text is preserved as much as possible.
    aur/pdf2img 76.69d9e51-1 (3)
        Convert easily PDF to multiple images in various formats with a single mouse click. PyGTK+3 version of pdf2img
    aur/pdf2img-git 76.69d9e51-1 (0)
        Convert easily PDF to multiple images in various formats with a single mouse click. PyQT4 version of pdf2img
    aur/pdf2line 0.0.1-4 (13)
        Simple command-line utility to convert PDF into text
    aur/pdf2png 0.2-3 (3)
        Converts PDF books to PNG, JPG, and other image formats.
    aur/pdf_presenter_console 2.0-3 (12)
        Presentation viewer for PDF files including Keyjnote like multi-monitor support.
    aur/pdfadd 1.2-3 (3)
        Making mathematic graphics with asymptote and LaTeX
    aur/pdfbeads 1.0.9-2 (5)
        A small utility written in Ruby which takes scanned page images and converts them into a single PDF file
    aur/pdfbox 1.8.2-1 (7)
        Java libraries for manipulating PDF documents (pdfbox), fonts (fontbox), and XMP metadata (jempbox).
    aur/pdfchain 0.4.4-1 (21)
        PDF Chain is a Graphical User Interface for the PDF Tool Kit
    aur/pdfchain-all-inclusive 0.x.x.latest-1 (6)
        Combo package: PDF Chain and pdftk
    aur/pdfcrack 0.13-1 (108)
        Password recovery tool for PDF-files
    aur/pdfcrack-mcore 0.11-1 (0)
        PDFCrack multi-core and multi-computer extension
    aur/pdfcrop 1.38-1 (16)
        A Perl script that can crop PDF files.
    aur/pdfcrowd 1.5-1 (0)
        python API for pdfcrowd.com
    aur/pdfcube 0.0.4-1 (19)
        PDF Cube uses the OpenGL API to add 3D spinning cube page transitions to PDF documents.
    aur/pdfcube-svn 60-1 (1)
        PDF Cube uses the OpenGL API to add 3D spinning cube page transitions to PDF documents.
    aur/pdfedit 0.4.5-2 (Out of Date) (0)
        Full featured editor for manipulating PDF documents
    aur/pdfedit-addscript 0.4.5-2 (Out of Date) (10)
        Full featured editor for manipulating PDF documents and console script for convert pdf to txt
    aur/pdfedit-addscript-csv 0.4.5-csv (Out of Date) (0)
        Full featured editor for manipulating PDF documents and console script for convert pdf to txt
    aur/pdfedit-core-dev 0.4.5-1 (0)
        pdfedit core development files
    aur/pdfedit-tools-nogui 0.4.5-cvs (2)
        tools from pdfedit, for packet convert pdf
    aur/pdfenlarger-git 20130710-1 (0)
        Add additional white space to a PDF-file.
    aur/pdfgrep-git bef1b23-1 (26)
        Grep in pdf-files
    aur/pdfid 0_0_12-1 (5)
        Tool for identifying malicious PDFs
    aur/pdfjumbler 0.16-6 (7)
        A simple tool to rearrange/merge/delete pages from PDF files
    aur/pdflatex.sh-git 20120111-1 (18)
        pdfLaTeX build script
    aur/pdfmasher 0.7.4-1 (4)
        PDF to eBook Conversion Tool
    aur/pdfmasher-bin 0.x.x.latest-1 (12)
        Convert PDF files containing text into ready-for-ebook HTML files
    aur/pdfmerge4unix 1.0-2 (26)
        merges pdf files from command line
    aur/pdfminer 20140328-1 (29)
        python utils to extract, analyze text data of PDF files.
    aur/pdfminer-git 20130409-1 (3)
        python utils to extract& analyze text data of PDF files.
    aur/pdfminer3k 1.2.4-1 (2)
        PDF Parsing Library
    aur/pdfnup-gui 1.0.2-2 (7)
        A Qt frontend GUI for the pdfnup (http://www.warwick.ac.uk/go/pdfjam) and a little bit more.
    aur/pdfpc 3.1.1-1 (29)
        A presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files
    aur/pdfpc-git 20120625-2 (Out of Date) (12)
        A presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files
    aur/pdfposter 0.6.0dev-4 (16)
        Print large posters on multiple sheets
    aur/pdfreduce 1.0-2 (1)
        A bash script that tries to reduce the filesize of a PDF file by processing it through ghostscript.
    aur/pdfreflow 0.8.6-1 (10)
        operates on the output of pdftohtml and reflows the texts into paragraphs.
    aur/pdfresurrect 0.12-1 (8)
        PDFResurrect is a tool aimed at analyzing PDF documents
    aur/pdfsandwich 0.0.8-1 (29)
        Wrapper for cuneiform OCR and hocr2pdf to generate pdf files with the recognized text put behind the image (sandwich pdfs).
    aur/pdfscissors 0.0.2-1 (7)
        A tool to crop pdf files.
    aur/pdfselect 1.10-1 (4)
        A page selector for pdf files.
    aur/pdfshuffler 0.6.0-2 (185)
        Merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages
    aur/pdfsizeopt-svn 221-1 (5)
        PDF file size optimizer
    aur/pdfstudio8 8.3.2-2 (3)
        Review, annotate, and edit PDF Documents
    aur/pdftk 2.02-2 (346)
        Pdftk is a simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents
    aur/pdftk-bin 2.02_1-4 (142)
        Swiss army knife for PDFs. Built from binary executables available in Debian repositories.
    aur/pdftools 0.2.3-1 (1)
        Bash script for merge, split, extract, and convert pdf to jpg or text using ghostscript
    aur/pdftrans 1.2-8 (8)
        A utility to add metadata, protect, and encrypt PDF documents
    aur/pdftxt 0.2-1 (3)
        Extracts text from PDF files to search them
    aur/pdfviewer 0.7-3 (13)
        Lightweight Qt-only PDF viewer
    aur/peepdf svn-4 (2)
        A python tool to explore PDF files in order to find out if the file can be harmful or not
    aur/perl-cam-pdf 1.60-1 (2)
        Perl PDF manipulation library
    aur/perl-pdf-api2 2.021-1 (98)
        A module chain to faciliate the creation and modification of high-quality PDF files
    aur/perl-pdf-api2-simple 1.1.4u-1 (3)
        Simplistic wrapper for the excellent PDF::API2 modules
    aur/perl-pdf-create 1.06-1 (2)
        CPAN module to create PDF documents
    aur/perl-pdf-labels 1.8-1 (0)
        CPAN module to produce formatted pages of mailing labels in PDF
    aur/perl-pdf-reuse 0.35-3 (4)
        Reuse and mass produce PDF documents
    aur/perl-pdf-reuse-barcode 0.06-1 (3)
        Create barcodes for PDF documents with PDF::Reuse
    aur/perl-pdf-table 0.9.5-1 (4)
        A utility class for building table layouts in a PDF::API2 object
    aur/perl-text-pdf 0.29a-1 (5)
        Module for manipulating PDF files
    aur/php-pdflib 3.0.1-2 (2)
        pdflib for php
    aur/poppler-minimal 0.26.2-1 (1)
        PDF rendering library based on xpdf 3.0 (minimal non-X version)
    aur/portablesigner-bin 1.8.126-1 (0)
        Signing (with X.509 certificates) program for PDF files. Binary installation.
    aur/ppdfb-git 20110116-1 (1)
        Advanced C++ binding for DirectFB
    aur/princexml 9.0r5-1 (28)
        converts XML and HTML into PDF documents using the CSS print spec
    aur/print-booklet-git 20111104-2 (1)
        Print booklets from pdf and postscript files.
    aur/prsannots 20130121-4 (0)
        Sony ebook reader PRS-T1 PRS-T2 pdf annotation exporting and pdf cropping tool
    aur/python-pypdf-git 20111221-1 (6)
        A Pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit
    aur/python-pypdf2 1.22-1 (0)
        PDF toolkit
    aur/python-pypdf2-git b17382f-1 (4)
        PyPDF2 library for Python3
    aur/python-weasyprint 0.15-1 (4)
        Converts web documents (HTML, CSS, SVG, ...) to PDF.
    aur/python2-fitz 20130301-1 (0)
        Python bindings for MuPDF'
    s rendering library
    aur/python2-invoicegenerator 0.4.5-1 (1)
        Python2 library to generate PDF invoice
    aur/python2-invoicegenerator-git 73.533cf75-1 (1)
        Python2 library to generate PDF invoice
    aur/python2-pdfminer-git 20140402-1 (4)
        Python library and utils to extract & analyze text data of PDF files.
    aur/python2-pdforg-git 0.0.0-2 (0)
        Only something jdmundrawala slapped together to store his pdfs
    aur/python2-pypdf 1.13-2 (108)
        A Pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit
    aur/python2-pypdf2 1.22-1 (0)
        PDF toolkit
    aur/python2-pypdf2-git 20131004-1 (0)
        PyPDF2 library for Python2
    aur/python2-relatorio 0.6.0-2 (8)
        A templating library able to output odt and pdf files
    aur/python2-template2pdf 0.6.5-2 (2)
        Modules to render tRML template to PDF
    aur/python2-weasyprint 0.22-1 (2)
        Converts web documents (HTML, CSS, SVG, ...) to PDF.
    aur/python2-xhtml2pdf 0.0.5-4 (18)
        PDF generator using HTML and CSS
    aur/python2-xhtml2pdf-git 0.0.4.r157.gef878d0-1 (1)
        PDF generator using HTML and CSS
    aur/qadastre2osm-git 20130303-1 (2)
        Generate OpenStreetMap files from the french cadastre through its PDF export
    aur/qapote 0.6-1 (3)
        Create PDF reports and document from a source code similar to LaTeX
    aur/qpdfpresenterconsole 2.5.13-2 (8)
        A Keynote-like presentation tool for PDF (e.g. beamer)
    aur/qpdfpresenterconsole-git 20111213-1 (4)
        A Keynote-like presentation tool for PDF (e.g. beamer)
    aur/qpdfview 0.4.11beta1-1 (90)
        A tabbed PDF viewer using the poppler library.
    aur/qpdfview-bzr 1621-1 (5)
        A tabbed PDF viewer using the poppler library. (development version)
    aur/qpdfview-qt4 0.4.9-1 (6)
        A tabbed PDF viewer using the poppler-qt4 library.
    aur/raktpdf 20080320-2 [installed: 20080320-3] (7)
        A GTK+ based PDF viewer
    aur/rlib 1.3.7-1 (2)
        Advanced reporting engine that generates professional reports in PDF, HTML, CSV, and text formats from a simple XML definition language.
    aur/ros-groovy-rcpdf 0.2-1 (1)
        ROS - Robot Contact Point Description Format interfaces parser.
    aur/ros-groovy-rcpdf-interface 0.2-1 (1)
        ROS - Robot Contact Point Description Format interfaces definition.
    aur/ruby-origami 1.2.7-1 (3)
        Origami aims at providing a scripting tool to generate and analyze malicious PDF files.
    aur/ruby-pdf-inspector 1.1.0-1 (0)
        A tool for analyzing PDF output
    aur/ruby-pdf-reader 1.3.3-1 (0)
        A library for accessing the content of PDF files
    aur/ruby-prawn 0.14.0-1 (0)
        A fast and nimble PDF generator for Ruby
    aur/sam2p 0.49.2-1 (18)
        A bitmap-to-eps-or-pdf-converter that produces very small files
    aur/sam2p-bin 0.49-1 (0)
        A bitmap-to-eps-or-pdf-converter that produces very small files
    aur/sam2p-svn 125-1 (0)
        A bitmap-to-eps-or-pdf-converter that produces very small files. SVN version
    aur/sejda-console-bin 1.0.0.M9-1 (0)
        A self-contained CLI for PDF editing/manipulation.
    aur/shrinkpdf 1.0-1 (4)
        Tiny shell script to shrink an image pdf
    aur/slider-git 3.163.017c896-1 (18)
        PDF presentation tool
    aur/slinp-git 13.06.3.g540504d-1 (3)
        PDF presentation tool chest
    aur/smartpen-browser 20120329-1 (0)
        A tool for viewing pages and exporting PDFs from a smart pen
    aur/spdf-git 1.1-6 (5)
        spdf is a simple program which can split pdf file into two
    aur/stapler 0.4-2 (64)
        A small utility making use of the pypdf library to provide a (somewhat) lighter alternative to pdftk
    aur/stapler-git 0.2b.34.g3e6e4bf-2 (112)
        Manipulate PDF documents from the command line
    aur/stl2pov 3.1-3 (1)
        generate a POVray mesh or a PostScript or PDF view from an STL file
    aur/svg2pdf-git 20100911-1 (20)
        Conversion of SVGs to PDFs via cairo
    aur/svg2pdf-inkscape 0.1-1 (16)
        Converting SVG to PDF using Inkscape
    aur/tear-pages 0.2-1 (0)
        Simple script to remove the first page of a PDF
    aur/texbuild-git 20130528-3 (0)
        This small script continuously builds a latex file in the background. It only overwrites the target pdf file upon a successful and complete
        build allowing to continuously watch the PDF in PDF viewer.
    aur/texlive-acrotex 6.7p-1 (1)
        A LaTeX bundle for webpages, pdf forms and includin JavaSript into LaTeX
    aur/texlive-kotex 2013-3 (1)
        ko.TeX macros for etex/pdftex engines, base fonts and utilities
    aur/text2pdf 1.1-1 (12)
        Convert text files to PDF
    aur/textallion 2013_07_28-2 (21)
        A simple word processor based on txt2tags and its markup, for publishing prose, literature, poetry in HTML, PDF or EPUB, and also cyoa
        (gamebooks & renpy)
    aur/tomboy-export-to-latex 0.21-1 (6)
        A tomboy plugin 'Tomboy Exporter' to export whole notebooks to a LaTeX file which can be used to make a PS or PDF file
    aur/ttfsampler 0.5-3 (18)
        A GUI and CLI utility that takes a list of TrueType fonts and generates a sample sheet in PDF.
    aur/tweets2pdf 0.2.0-1 (1)
        Backup your tweets into FANTANSTIC PDF files, with GUI
    aur/tweets2pdf-git 20120511-1 (1)
        Backup your tweets into FANTANSTIC PDF files, with GUI
    aur/updf-bzr 17-6 (1)
        A tool to write and paint to an existing pdf file. uPdf can insert pages of another pdf, insert new pages, remove and extract pages, rotate
        pages, paste an image in the existing pdf, and much more.
    aur/veusz 1.21-1 (37)
        A scientific plotting and graphing package, designed to create publication-ready Postscript or PDF output
    aur/veusz-git 0.r2464.610e5f8-1 (2)
        A scientific plotting and graphing package, designed to create publication-ready Postscript or PDF output
    aur/viewpdf 0.6.2-2 (1)
        ViewPDF shows PDF files, clearly indicating annotations and possible mistakes
    aur/vim-live-latex-preview 0.9-1 (24)
        Vim plugin and helper scripts to provide a live-updating PDF preview of LaTeX documents with MuPDF
    aur/vim-tex-pdf 1.41-1 (0)
        Vim plugin for lightweight TeX compilation
    aur/visual-pdf-diff-git v1.0.0-1 (1)
        Merges two PDF files into one PDF file and highlights their visual differences.
    aur/webkit2pdf 0.2-1 (1)
        A little tool designed to fetch web pages and export them to numbered PDF files (or to print them).
    aur/whyteboard 0.41.1-3 (22)
        A drawing program that supports annotation of pdf files. Also has rewinding feature and tabbed painting.
    aur/wiipdf 1.4-1 (2)
        Tiny program to call xpdf and control it using your wiimote
    aur/wkhtmltopdf-static 0.9.9-1 (23)
        Simple shell utility to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine, and qt (upstream static build)
    aur/wkhtmltox 0.12.0-1 (3)
        Simple shell utilities to convert html to pdf or image using the webkit rendering engine
    aur/wkhtmltox-static 0.12.0-1 (1)
        Simple shell utility to convert html to pdf or image using the webkit rendering engine, and qt (upstream static build)
    aur/wxpdfdoc 0.9.3-1 (1)
        wxPdfDocument allows wxWidgets applications to generate PDF documents.
    aur/xpdf 3.04-1 (46)
        Viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files
    aur/xpdf-languages 20130611-1 (2)
        Encoding information to use specific character sets in Xpdf; does not include fonts
    aur/xpdf-motif 3.03-1 (2)
        A viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
    aur/xpdf-nodrm 3.03-3 (19)
        Viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Enforced DRM removed.
    aur/zathura-pdf-mupdf-git (18)
        PDF support for zathura by using the mupdf library
    aur/zathura-pdf-poppler-git (29)
        PDF support for zathura by using the poppler rendering library
    aur/zathura-ypb (4)
        A lightweight GTK2 PDF viewer
    aur/zima-ps2pdf 1.0.0-1 (1)
        Qt4 GUI for ps2pdf
    Et quand je prends ses conneries et que je les expose à la lumière du jour, évidemment, il rapporte mon post parce que je suis un immonde salaud.

    Ce qui n'est pas tout à fait faux. Mais quand même. x)
  3. tipigeon

    tipigeon That's just like...Your opinion man
    Membre Premium

    15 Mai 2012
    4 208
    Ah ok x)
    Bah écoute c'est pas grave au pire laisse les détruire ce qu'ils veulent :3
  4. Ouais, mais non. J'estime de ma responsabilité d'ex-modo de prévenir les gens que s'ils cliquent sur ce truc ils s'exposent à des problèmes ; de ma responsabilité en tant que linuxien averti de démontrer que celui qui fait ça ne sait absolument pas ce qu'il fait ; de ma responsabilité de technicien informatique de démontrer que son truc n'a aucune garantie de support (et encore, si tu savais le nombre de trucs que je pourrais encore démolir dans ses posts... C'est juste effarant) ; de ma responsabilité d'utilisateur d'être honnête avec les gens.

    Je suis peut-être un salaud, mais j'aime mon OS et même si je suis pas souvent présent j'aime bien les gens que je croise ici... En général.
  5. Pumafi

    Pumafi Champion d'Odin

    24 Nov 2012
    4 221
    J'attendais une fin de phrase épique genre "et je donnerais ma vie pour le protéger."
    • Amusant Amusant x 1
  6. Ouais, mais non, moi je suis juste un enfoiré épique. :D
  7. Nolan-XX

    Nolan-XX Modérateur

    29 Déc 2012
    10 234
    La peur des membres :
    Pauvres Windowsiens ... Votre OS s’achève ici ! Ainsi que vos misérables PC !

    Hyeron Sublimé, 75 000 Hp, un des boss les plus durs avec Der Richter.

    Je t'aime toi
  8. Guacamelee m'éclate. Définitivement. :D
  9. Novac

    Novac Purple butterfly

    20 Déc 2011
    2 525
    O.M.G, la version complète de Deponia vient de sortir sur Steam >.>
  10. OSEF, Three Dead Zed est de sortie aussi. :D
  11. Pumafi

    Pumafi Champion d'Odin

    24 Nov 2012
    4 221
    Je viens encore de me faire ban 7 jours de CS:GO, je suis vraiment le pire des boulets :D
    • Gagnant Gagnant x 2
  12. IhioYakino

    IhioYakino Mineur de Diamants

    9 Sept 2012
    2 297
    Pour quelle raison ? ^^
  13. Pumafi

    Pumafi Champion d'Odin

    24 Nov 2012
    4 221
    AFK, j’arrête pas de me barrer en plein milieu des games et les mecs pensent pas à me kick...
  14. IhioYakino

    IhioYakino Mineur de Diamants

    9 Sept 2012
    2 297
    Ah bah bravo Mr. la cible d'entrainement !
    • Amusant Amusant x 1
  15. Novac

    Novac Purple butterfly

    20 Déc 2011
    2 525
    Il paraît qu'il se passe des trucs au foot. Genre que les Brésilien sont des gros naze. EN tout cas c'est ce que j'entend depuis mon salon o/

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