Code (cpp):
'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[15:57:51] [Server thread/WARN]: Zip file Et Futurum-1.4.3.jar failed to read properly, it will be ignored error in opening zip file
at Method) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.util.jar.JarFile.(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.util.jar.JarFile.(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at [JarDiscoverer.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.discovery.ContainerType.findMods( [ContainerType.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.discovery.ModCandidate.explore( [ModCandidate.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.discovery.ModDiscoverer.identifyMods( [ModDiscoverer.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.identifyMods( [Loader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( [Loader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( [lt.class:?]
at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at Source) [?:1.7.0_80]
[15:57:52] [Server thread/WARN]: Mod VanillaPlus is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.4.4
[15:57:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 20 mods to load
[15:57:54] [Server thread/INFO]: FML has found a non-mod file in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[15:57:54] [Server thread/INFO]: FML has found a non-mod file Et Futurum-1.4.3.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[15:57:54] [Server thread/INFO]: FML has found a non-mod file okutils-1.7.2-v1.0.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[15:57:54] [Server thread/INFO]: FML has found a non-mod file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[15:57:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, CodeChickenCore, InvisibLights, battlemusic, betterrecords, BiomesOPlenty, ChickenChunks, craftguide, cmd, CustomSpawner, customnpcs, MoCreatures, eplus, gvc, IronChest, ragdollCorpses, TwilightForest, VanillaPlus] at CLIENT
[15:57:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, CodeChickenCore, InvisibLights, battlemusic, betterrecords, BiomesOPlenty, ChickenChunks, craftguide, cmd, CustomSpawner, customnpcs, MoCreatures, eplus, gvc, IronChest, ragdollCorpses, TwilightForest, VanillaPlus] at SERVER
[15:58:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations
[15:58:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Found 341 ObjectHolder annotations
[15:58:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
[15:58:15] [Server thread/WARN]: [15:58:15][FINE][noppes.npcs.LogWriter:71] Sat Apr 09 15:58:15 CEST 2016
[15:58:15] [Server thread/WARN]: [15:58:15][FINE][noppes.npcs.controllers.ScriptController:60] Script Engines Available:
[15:58:15] [Server thread/WARN]: [15:58:15][FINE][noppes.npcs.controllers.ScriptController:66] ECMAScript: .js
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Bukkit permissions enabled
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Permissions available:
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.edit.blocks
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.edit.villager
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]:
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]:
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]:
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]:
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]:
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]:
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]:
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]:
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]:
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.npc.advanced
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]:
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.npc.clone
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.npc.create
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.npc.delete
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.npc.display
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.npc.freeze
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.npc.gui
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.npc.inventory
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.npc.reset
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.npc.stats
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.soulstone.all
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.spawner.create
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.spawner.mob
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.tool.mounter
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.tool.pather
[15:58:16] [Server thread/INFO]: customnpcs.tool.scripter
[15:58:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Initializing Configurations.
[15:58:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Plugin loaded: Treecapitatior
[15:58:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Plugin loaded: ThaumcraftPlugin
[15:58:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Plugin loaded: TConPlugin
[15:58:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Plugin initialized in PreInit... Treecapitatior
[15:58:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Plugin initialized in PreInit... ThaumcraftPlugin
[15:58:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Initializing Blocks.
[15:58:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Initializing Items.
[15:58:22] [Server thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
[15:58:22] [Server thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
[15:58:22] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
[15:58:22] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[15:58:24] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running Cauldron-MCPC-Plus version KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54 (MC: 1.7.10) (Implementing API version 1.7.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[15:58:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[15:58:25] [Server thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[15:58:25] [Server thread/WARN]: Offendor: org/spigotmc/RestartCommand.restart()V
[15:58:25] [Server thread/WARN]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[15:58:25] [Server thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[15:58:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[15:58:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[15:58:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on
[15:58:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Initializing GUI Handler.
[15:58:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Add custom enchantment tool-tip for Treecapitating. Request sent from eplus
[15:58:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Add custom enchantment tool-tip for enchantment.charging. Request sent from eplus
[15:58:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Add custom enchantment tool-tip for enchantment.frugal. Request sent from eplus
[15:58:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Add custom enchantment tool-tip for enchantment.potency. Request sent from eplus
[15:58:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Add custom enchantment tool-tip for enchantment.haste. Request sent from eplus
[15:58:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Add custom enchantment tool-tip for Request sent from eplus
[15:58:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Plugin initialized in PostInit... TConPlugin
[15:58:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Unknown recipe class! com.codingforcookies.betterrecords.src.RecipeRecord Modder please refer to net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
[15:58:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Unknown recipe class! com.codingforcookies.betterrecords.src.RecipeMultiRecord Modder please refer to net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
[15:58:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Unknown recipe class! com.codingforcookies.betterrecords.src.RecipeRecordRepeatable Modder please refer to net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
[15:58:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Unknown recipe class! com.codingforcookies.betterrecords.src.RecipeRecordShuffle Modder please refer to net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
[15:58:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Unknown recipe class! com.codingforcookies.betterrecords.src.RecipeColoredRecord Modder please refer to net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
[15:58:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Unknown recipe class! com.codingforcookies.betterrecords.src.RecipeColoredFreqCrystal Modder please refer to net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 20 mods
[15:58:33] [Server thread/WARN]: [15:58:33][FINE][noppes.npcs.controllers.LinkedNpcController:43] Loading Linked Npcs
[15:58:33] [Server thread/WARN]: [15:58:33][FINE][noppes.npcs.controllers.LinkedNpcController:63] Done loading Linked Npcs
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world"
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Registered command debug with permission node vanilla.command.debug
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Registered command spreadplayers with permission node vanilla.command.spreadplayers
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Registered command playsound with permission node vanilla.command.playsound
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Registered command scoreboard with permission node vanilla.command.scoreboard
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Registered command achievement with permission node vanilla.command.achievement
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Registered command summon with permission node vanilla.command.summon
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Registered command setblock with permission node vanilla.command.setblock
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Registered command testforblock with permission node vanilla.command.testforblock
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Registered command tellraw with permission node vanilla.command.tellraw
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Registered command netstat with permission node vanilla.command.netstat
[15:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Injecting existing block and item data into this server instance
[15:58:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
[15:58:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_MUD with ID 165.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_DRIEDDIRT with ID 166.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_ROCKS with ID 167.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_ASH with ID 168.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_FLESH with ID 169.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_PLANTS with ID 176.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_FLOWERS with ID 177.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_FLOWERS2 with ID 178.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_STONEFORMATIONS with ID 179.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_MUSHROOMS with ID 180.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_WILLOW with ID 181.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_IVY with ID 182.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_TREEMOSS with ID 183.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_FLOWERVINE with ID 184.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_WISTERIA with ID 185.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_LILYBOP with ID 186.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_FOLIAGE with ID 187.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_FRUITBOP with ID 188.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_TURNIP with ID 189.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_CORAL1 with ID 190.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_CORAL2 with ID 191.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_ASHSTONE with ID 192.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_HARDICE with ID 193.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_APPLELEAVES with ID 194.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_PERSIMMONLEAVES with ID 195.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_MOSS with ID 196.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_BAMBOO with ID 197.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_MUDBRICKS with ID 198.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_ORIGINGRASS with ID 199.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_LONGGRASS with ID 200.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_OVERGROWNNETHERRACK with ID 201.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_BOPGRASS with ID 202.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_NEWBOPGRASS with ID 203.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_NEWBOPDIRT with ID 204.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_LOGS1 with ID 205.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_LOGS2 with ID 206.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_LOGS3 with ID 207.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_LOGS4 with ID 208.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_LEAVES1 with ID 209.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_LEAVES2 with ID 210.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_LEAVES3 with ID 211.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_LEAVES4 with ID 212.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_PETALS with ID 213.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_SAPLINGS with ID 214.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_COLORIZEDSAPLINGS with ID 215.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_HARDSAND with ID 216.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_HARDDIRT with ID 217.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_BIOMEBLOCK with ID 218.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_CRYSTAL with ID 219.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_GEMORE with ID 220.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_CRAGROCK with ID 221.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_HIVE with ID 222.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_HONEYBLOCK with ID 223.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_BONES with ID 224.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_GRAVE with ID 225.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_PLANKS with ID 226.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_WOODENSINGLESLAB1 with ID 227.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_WOODENDOUBLESLAB1 with ID 228.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_WOODENSINGLESLAB2 with ID 229.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_WOODENDOUBLESLAB2 with ID 230.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_STONESINGLESLAB with ID 231.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_STONEDOUBLESLAB with ID 232.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_SACREDOAKSTAIRS with ID 233.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_CHERRYSTAIRS with ID 234.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_DARKSTAIRS with ID 235.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_FIRSTAIRS with ID 236.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_ETHEREALSTAIRS with ID 237.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_MAGICSTAIRS with ID 238.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_MANGROVESTAIRS with ID 239.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_PALMSTAIRS with ID 240.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_REDWOODSTAIRS with ID 241.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_WILLOWSTAIRS with ID 242.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_PINESTAIRS with ID 243.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_HELLBARKSTAIRS with ID 244.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_JACARANDASTAIRS with ID 245.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_MAHOGANYSTAIRS with ID 246.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_MUDBRICKSSTAIRS with ID 247.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_COLORIZEDLEAVES1 with ID 248.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_COLORIZEDLEAVES2 with ID 249.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_POISON with ID 250.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_HELL_BLOOD with ID 251.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BIOMESOPLENTY_HONEY with ID 252.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCREDSTONEBLOCK with ID 253.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCARPENTYBENCH with ID 254.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMAILBOX with ID 255.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWAYPOINT with ID 409.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBORDER with ID 410.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBLOODBLOCK with ID 411.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBANNER with ID 412.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWALLBANNER with ID 413.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCTALLLAMP with ID 414.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCHAIR with ID 415.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCRATE with ID 416.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWEAPONRACK with ID 423.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOUCHWOOL with ID 424.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOUCHWOOD with ID 425.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCTABLE with ID 426.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTOOL with ID 427.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCPLACEHOLDER with ID 428.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBIGSIGN with ID 429.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBARREL with ID 430.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCTOMBSTONE with ID 431.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSHELF with ID 432.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSIGN with ID 433.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBEAM with ID 434.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBOOK with ID 435.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCPEDESTAL with ID 436.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCRYSTALBLOCK with ID 437.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCAMPFIRE with ID 438.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCLAMP with ID 439.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCANDLE with ID 440.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCAMPFIREUNLIT with ID 441.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCLAMPUNLIT with ID 442.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCANDLEUNLIT with ID 443.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material MOCREATURES_MOCSTONE with ID 444.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material MOCREATURES_MOCGRASS with ID 445.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material MOCREATURES_MOCDIRT with ID 446.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material MOCREATURES_MOCLEAVES with ID 447.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material MOCREATURES_MOCLOG with ID 448.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material MOCREATURES_MOCTALLGRASS with ID 449.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material MOCREATURES_MOCWOODPLANK with ID 450.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material EPLUS_TILEADVANCEDENCHANTMENTTABLE with ID 451.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material IRONCHEST_BLOCKIRONCHEST with ID 452.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFLOG with ID 453.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFROOTS with ID 454.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFLEAVES with ID 455.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFFIREFLY with ID 456.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFCICADA with ID 457.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFPORTAL with ID 458.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFMAZESTONE with ID 459.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFHEDGE with ID 460.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFBOSSSPAWNER with ID 461.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFFIREFLYJAR with ID 462.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFPLANT with ID 463.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFUNCRAFTINGTABLE with ID 464.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFFIREJET with ID 465.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFNAGASTONE with ID 466.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFSAPLING with ID 467.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFMOONWORM with ID 468.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFMAGICLOG with ID 469.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFMAGICLEAVES with ID 470.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFMAGICLOGSPECIAL with ID 471.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFTOWERSTONE with ID 472.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFTOWERDEVICE with ID 473.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFTOWERTRANSLUCENT with ID 474.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFTROPHY with ID 475.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFSHIELD with ID 476.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFTROPHYPEDESTAL with ID 477.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFAURORABRICK with ID 478.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFUNDERBRICK with ID 479.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFTHORNS with ID 480.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFBURNTTHORNS with ID 481.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFTHORNROSE with ID 482.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFLEAVES3 with ID 483.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETFDEADROCK with ID 484.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEDARKLEAVES with ID 485.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEAURORAPILLAR with ID 486.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEAURORASLAB with ID 487.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEAURORADOUBLESLAB with ID 488.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETROLLSTEINN with ID 489.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEWISPYCLOUD with ID 490.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEFLUFFYCLOUD with ID 491.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEGIANTCOBBLE with ID 492.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEGIANTLOG with ID 493.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEGIANTLEAVES with ID 494.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEGIANTOBSIDIAN with ID 495.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEUBEROUSSOIL with ID 496.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEHUGESTALK with ID 497.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEHUGEGLOOMBLOCK with ID 498.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETROLLVIDR with ID 499.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEUNRIPETROLLBER with ID 500.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILETROLLBER with ID 501.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEKNIGHTMETALBLOCK with ID 502.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEHUGELILYPAD with ID 503.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEHUGEWATERLILY with ID 504.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILESLIDER with ID 505.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILECASTLEBRICK with ID 506.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILECASTLEMAGIC with ID 507.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material TWILIGHTFOREST_TILEFORCEFIELD with ID 508.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material INVISIBLIGHTS_BLOCKLIGHTSOURCE with ID 509.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BETTERRECORDS_RECORDETCHER with ID 510.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BETTERRECORDS_RECORDPLAYER with ID 511.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BETTERRECORDS_FREQUENCYTUNER with ID 512.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BETTERRECORDS_SHOUTCASTRADIO with ID 513.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BETTERRECORDS_RECORDSPEAKERSM with ID 514.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BETTERRECORDS_RECORDSPEAKERMD with ID 515.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BETTERRECORDS_RECORDSPEAKERLG with ID 516.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BETTERRECORDS_STROBELIGHT with ID 517.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BETTERRECORDS_LAZER with ID 518.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material BETTERRECORDS_LAZERCLUSTER with ID 519.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material CHICKENCHUNKS_CHICKENCHUNKLOADER with ID 520.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_XPORE with ID 521.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_RUBYORE with ID 522.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_SAPPHIREORE with ID 523.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_MAGMAORE with ID 524.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_HELLFIREORE with ID 525.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_ENDERCRYSTALORE with ID 526.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_OBSIDIANFORCED with ID 527.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_GRAVELCOMPACT with ID 528.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_EXPTRANSLATOR with ID 529.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_RUBYBLOCK with ID 530.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_BIRCHDOOR with ID 531.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_SPRUCEDOOR with ID 532.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_JUNGLEDOOR with ID 533.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_ACACIADOOR with ID 534.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge block material VANILLAPLUS_DARKOAKDOOR with ID 535.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_FOOD with ID 4096.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_TURNIPSEEDS with ID 4097.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_MISC with ID 4098.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_GEMS with ID 4099.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_MUDBALL with ID 4100.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_JAREMPTY with ID 4101.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_JARFILLED with ID 4102.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_DARTBLOWER with ID 4103.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_DART with ID 4104.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_ANCIENTSTAFF with ID 4105.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_ENDERPORTER with ID 4106.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_BOPBUCKET with ID 4107.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_RECORD_WANDERER with ID 4108.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_RECORD_CORRUPTION with ID 4109.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_BIOMEFINDER with ID 4110.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_BIOMEESSENCE with ID 4111.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_SWORDMUD with ID 4112.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_SHOVELMUD with ID 4113.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_PICKAXEMUD with ID 4114.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_AXEMUD with ID 4115.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_HOEMUD with ID 4116.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_SWORDAMETHYST with ID 4117.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_SHOVELAMETHYST with ID 4118.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_PICKAXEAMETHYST with ID 4119.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_AXEAMETHYST with ID 4120.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_HOEAMETHYST with ID 4121.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_SCYTHEWOOD with ID 4122.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_SCYTHESTONE with ID 4123.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_SCYTHEIRON with ID 4124.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_SCYTHEGOLD with ID 4125.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_SCYTHEDIAMOND with ID 4126.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_SCYTHEMUD with ID 4127.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_SCYTHEAMETHYST with ID 4128.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_HELMETMUD with ID 4129.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_CHESTPLATEMUD with ID 4130.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_LEGGINGSMUD with ID 4131.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_BOOTSMUD with ID 4132.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_HELMETAMETHYST with ID 4133.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_CHESTPLATEAMETHYST with ID 4134.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_LEGGINGSAMETHYST with ID 4135.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_BOOTSAMETHYST with ID 4136.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_FLOWERBAND with ID 4137.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_FLIPPERS with ID 4138.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BIOMESOPLENTY_WADINGBOOTS with ID 4139.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CRAFTGUIDE_CRAFTGUIDE_ITEM with ID 4140.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CMD_01__PONY_PONY_RUN_RUN__FIRST_DATE_MULLET with ID 4141.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CMD_DANAKIL__IL_TAIT_UNE_FOIS_LHISTOIRE_DUN_ADO with ID 4142.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CMD_DARKTEK__SUPER_QUEUNOUILLE_ALBUM_BAD_PAPA with ID 4143.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CMD_DSOL_POUR_HIER_SOIR with ID 4144.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CMD_KAARIS__SEVRAK with ID 4145.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CMD_PONY_PONY_RUN_RUN_POUR_NPC with ID 4146.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CMD_TH__LA_MENTHE with ID 4147.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CMD_VALD__BONJOUR with ID 4148.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CMD_VALD__POISSON with ID 4149.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CMD_VALD__SELFIE with ID 4150.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWAND with ID 4151.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMOBCLONER with ID 4152.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSCRIPTER with ID 4153.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMOVINGPATH with ID 4154.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMOUNTER with ID 4155.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCTELEPORTER with ID 4156.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSOULSTONEEMPTY with ID 4157.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSOULSTONEFILLED with ID 4158.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBANJO with ID 4159.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCVIOLIN with ID 4160.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCVIOLINBOW with ID 4161.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCHARP with ID 4162.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGUITAR with ID 4163.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFRENCHHORN with ID 4164.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCOCARINA with ID 4165.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCLARINET with ID 4166.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENGUN with ID 4167.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENBULLET with ID 4168.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEGUN with ID 4169.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEBULLET with ID 4170.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONGUN with ID 4171.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONBULLET with ID 4172.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDGUN with ID 4173.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENBULLET with ID 4174.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDGUN with ID 4175.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDBULLET with ID 4176.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEGUN with ID 4177.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEBULLET with ID 4178.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDGUN with ID 4179.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDBULLET with ID 4180.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMACHINEGUN with ID 4181.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBLACKBULLET with ID 4182.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENTRIDENT with ID 4183.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONETRIDENT with ID 4184.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONTRIDENT with ID 4185.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDTRIDENT with ID 4186.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDTRIDENT with ID 4187.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZETRIDENT with ID 4188.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDTRIDENT with ID 4189.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCURSEDTRIDENT with ID 4190.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICTRIDENT with ID 4191.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTTRIDENT with ID 4192.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILTRIDENT with ID 4193.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCNATURESPELL with ID 4194.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCARCANESPELL with ID 4195.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCLIGHTNINGSPELL with ID 4196.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCICESPELL with ID 4197.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFIRESPELL with ID 4198.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDARKSPELL with ID 4199.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCHOLYSPELL with ID 4200.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCORB with ID 4201.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMANA with ID 4202.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBROKENORB with ID 4203.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCKUNAI with ID 4204.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCREVERSEKUNAI with ID 4205.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSHURIKEN with ID 4206.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGIANTSHURIKEN with ID 4207.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCKATANA with ID 4208.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCKUKRI with ID 4209.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZESWORD with ID 4210.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDSWORD with ID 4211.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICSWORD with ID 4212.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTSWORD with ID 4213.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILSWORD with ID 4214.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLFCLUB with ID 4215.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMAGICWAND with ID 4216.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCHICKENSWORD with ID 4217.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCHANDCUFFS with ID 4218.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCHAMMER with ID 4219.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBASEBALLBAT with ID 4220.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCLEADPIPE with ID 4221.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCLEAVER with ID 4222.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSABER with ID 4223.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCHOCKEYSTICK with ID 4224.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSLEDGEHAMMER with ID 4225.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBROKENBOTTLE with ID 4226.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOMBATKNIVE with ID 4227.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMACUAHUITL with ID 4228.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBOSTAFF with ID 4229.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSAIBLADE with ID 4230.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSLINGSHOT with ID 4231.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMUSKET with ID 4232.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCLEAFBLADE with ID 4233.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCROSSBOW with ID 4234.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCROSSBOLT with ID 4235.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBATTON with ID 4236.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGUNCHAINSAW with ID 4237.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCRAPIER with ID 4238.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCROWBAR with ID 4239.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCPIPEWRENCH with ID 4240.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSWISSARMYKNIFE with ID 4241.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWRENCH with ID 4242.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEXCALIBUR with ID 4243.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENSHIELD with ID 4244.
[15:58:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONESHIELD with ID 4245.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONSHIELD with ID 4246.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENSHIELD with ID 4247.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIASHIELD with ID 4248.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZESHIELD with ID 4249.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDSHIELD with ID 4250.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICSHIELD with ID 4251.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTSHIELD with ID 4252.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILSHIELD with ID 4253.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLWOODENSHIELD with ID 4254.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLSTONESHIELD with ID 4255.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLIRONSHIELD with ID 4256.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLGOLDENSHIELD with ID 4257.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLDIASHIELD with ID 4258.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLBRONZESHIELD with ID 4259.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLEMERALDSHIELD with ID 4260.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCHEATERSHIELD with ID 4261.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCRYSCENTSHIELD with ID 4262.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSCUTUMSHIELD with ID 4263.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCTOWERSHIELD with ID 4264.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENSPEAR with ID 4265.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONESPEAR with ID 4266.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONSPEAR with ID 4267.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENSPEAR with ID 4268.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDSPEAR with ID 4269.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZESPEAR with ID 4270.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDSPEAR with ID 4271.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICSPEAR with ID 4272.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTSPEAR with ID 4273.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILSPEAR with ID 4274.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENHALBERD with ID 4275.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEHALBERD with ID 4276.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONHALBERD with ID 4277.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENHALBERD with ID 4278.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDHALBERD with ID 4279.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEHALBERD with ID 4280.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDHALBERD with ID 4281.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICHALBERD with ID 4282.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTHALBERD with ID 4283.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILHALBERD with ID 4284.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENBATTLEAXE with ID 4285.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEBATTLEAXE with ID 4286.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONBATTLEAXE with ID 4287.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENBATTLEAXE with ID 4288.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDBATTLEAXE with ID 4289.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEBATTLEAXE with ID 4290.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDBATTLEAXE with ID 4291.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICBATTLEAXE with ID 4292.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTBATTLEAXE with ID 4293.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILBATTLEAXE with ID 4294.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENWARHAMMER with ID 4295.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEWARHAMMER with ID 4296.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONWARHAMMER with ID 4297.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENWARHAMMER with ID 4298.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDWARHAMMER with ID 4299.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEWARHAMMER with ID 4300.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDWARHAMMER with ID 4301.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICWARHAMMER with ID 4302.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTWARHAMMER with ID 4303.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILWARHAMMER with ID 4304.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENMACE with ID 4305.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEMACE with ID 4306.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONMACE with ID 4307.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENMACE with ID 4308.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDMACE with ID 4309.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEMACE with ID 4310.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDMACE with ID 4311.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICMACE with ID 4312.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTMACE with ID 4313.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILMACE with ID 4314.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENDAGGER with ID 4315.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENREVERSEDDAGGER with ID 4316.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEDAGGER with ID 4317.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEREVERSEDDAGGER with ID 4318.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONDAGGER with ID 4319.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONREVERSEDDAGGER with ID 4320.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENDAGGER with ID 4321.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENREVERSEDDAGGER with ID 4322.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDDAGGER with ID 4323.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDREVERSEDDAGGER with ID 4324.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEDAGGER with ID 4325.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEREVERSEDDAGGER with ID 4326.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDDAGGER with ID 4327.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDREVERSEDDAGGER with ID 4328.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICDAGGER with ID 4329.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICREVERSEDDAGGER with ID 4330.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTDAGGER with ID 4331.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTREVERSEDDAGGER with ID 4332.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILDAGGER with ID 4333.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILREVERSEDDAGGER with ID 4334.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCNINJACLAW with ID 4335.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTEELCLAW with ID 4336.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBEARCLAW with ID 4337.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCKATAR with ID 4338.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENSTAFF with ID 4339.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONESTAFF with ID 4340.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONSTAFF with ID 4341.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENSTAFF with ID 4342.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDSTAFF with ID 4343.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZESTAFF with ID 4344.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDSTAFF with ID 4345.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICSTAFF with ID 4346.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTSTAFF with ID 4347.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILSTAFF with ID 4348.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCELEMENTALSTAFF with ID 4349.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENSCYTHE with ID 4350.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONESCYTHE with ID 4351.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONSCYTHE with ID 4352.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENSCYTHE with ID 4353.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDSCYTHE with ID 4354.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDSCYTHE with ID 4355.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZESCYTHE with ID 4356.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICSCYTHE with ID 4357.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTSCYTHE with ID 4358.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILSCYTHE with ID 4359.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENGLAIVE with ID 4360.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEGLAIVE with ID 4361.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONGLAIVE with ID 4362.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENGLAIVE with ID 4363.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDGLAIVE with ID 4364.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEGLAIVE with ID 4365.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDGLAIVE with ID 4366.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICGLAIVE with ID 4367.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTGLAIVE with ID 4368.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILGLAIVE with ID 4369.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENBROADSWORD with ID 4370.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEBROADSWORD with ID 4371.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONBROADSWORD with ID 4372.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENBROADSWORD with ID 4373.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDBROADSWORD with ID 4374.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEBROADSWORD with ID 4375.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDBROADSWORD with ID 4376.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICBROADSWORD with ID 4377.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTBROADSWORD with ID 4378.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILBROADSWORD with ID 4379.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOWLEATHERHEAD with ID 4380.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOWLEATHERCHEST with ID 4381.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOWLEATHERLEGS with ID 4382.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOWLEATHERBOOTS with ID 4383.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCNANORUMHEAD with ID 4384.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCNANORUMCHEST with ID 4385.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCNANORUMLEGS with ID 4386.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCNANORUMBOOTS with ID 4387.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCTACTICALHEAD with ID 4388.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCTACTICALCHEST with ID 4389.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLLEATHERHEAD with ID 4390.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLLEATHERCHEST with ID 4391.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLIRONHEAD with ID 4392.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLIRONCHEST with ID 4393.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLGOLDHEAD with ID 4394.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLGOLDCHEST with ID 4395.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLDIAMONDHEAD with ID 4396.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLDIAMONDCHEST with ID 4397.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLBRONZEHEAD with ID 4398.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLBRONZECHEST with ID 4399.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLBRONZELEGGINGS with ID 4400.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLBRONZEBOOTS with ID 4401.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLEMERALDHEAD with ID 4402.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLEMERALDCHEST with ID 4403.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLEMERALDLEGGINGS with ID 4404.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLEMERALDBOOTS with ID 4405.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLWOODENHEAD with ID 4406.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLWOODENCHEST with ID 4407.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLWOODENLEGGINGS with ID 4408.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFULLWOODENBOOTS with ID 4409.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCTUXEDOCHEST with ID 4410.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCTUXEDOPANTS with ID 4411.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCTUXEDOBOTTOM with ID 4412.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWIZARDHEAD with ID 4413.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWIZARDCHEST with ID 4414.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWIZARDPANTS with ID 4415.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCASSASSINHEAD with ID 4416.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCASSASSINCHEST with ID 4417.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCASSASSINLEGGINGS with ID 4418.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCASSASSINBOOTS with ID 4419.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSOLDIERHEAD with ID 4420.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSOLDIERCHEST with ID 4421.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSOLDIERLEGS with ID 4422.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSOLDIERBOTTOM with ID 4423.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCX407HEAD with ID 4424.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCX407CHEST with ID 4425.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCX407LEGS with ID 4426.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCX407BOOTS with ID 4427.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILHEAD with ID 4428.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILCHEST with ID 4429.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILLEGS with ID 4430.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILBOOTS with ID 4431.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICHEAD with ID 4432.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICCHEST with ID 4433.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICLEGS with ID 4434.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICBOOTS with ID 4435.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOMMISSARHEAD with ID 4436.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOMMISSARCHEST with ID 4437.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOMMISSARLEGS with ID 4438.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOMMISSARBOTTOM with ID 4439.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCINFANTRYHELMET with ID 4440.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCOFFICERCHEST with ID 4441.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCROWN2 with ID 4442.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCROWN with ID 4443.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCPAPERCROWN with ID 4444.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCNINJAHEAD with ID 4445.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCNINJACHEST with ID 4446.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCNINJAPANTS with ID 4447.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCHAINSKIRT with ID 4448.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCLEATHERSKIRT with ID 4449.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDSKIRT with ID 4450.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONSKIRT with ID 4451.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDSKIRT with ID 4452.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDSKIRT with ID 4453.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZESKIRT with ID 4454.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICSKIRT with ID 4455.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILSKIRT with ID 4456.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOINWOODEN with ID 4457.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOINSTONE with ID 4458.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOINBRONZE with ID 4459.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOINIRON with ID 4460.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOINGOLD with ID 4461.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOINDIAMOND with ID 4462.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOINEMERALD with ID 4463.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCANCIENTCOIN with ID 4464.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCLETTER with ID 4465.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCPLANS with ID 4466.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSATCHEL with ID 4467.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBAG with ID 4468.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCRYSTAL with ID 4469.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSEVEREDEAR with ID 4470.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCPHONE with ID 4471.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBANDITMASK with ID 4472.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBROKENARROW with ID 4473.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEARTHELEMENT with ID 4474.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWATERELEMENT with ID 4475.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFIREELEMENT with ID 4476.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCAIRELEMENT with ID 4477.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCARKEY with ID 4478.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCKEY with ID 4479.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCKEY2 with ID 4480.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCPENDANT with ID 4481.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBLUEPRINT with ID 4482.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCRING with ID 4483.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSKULL with ID 4484.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSAPHIRE with ID 4485.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCRUBY with ID 4486.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCAMETHYST with ID 4487.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEINGOT with ID 4488.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICINGOT with ID 4489.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILINGOT with ID 4490.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCANCIENTSCROLL with ID 4491.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCARTIFACT with ID 4492.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCLOCKET with ID 4493.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSILK with ID 4494.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTATUETTE with ID 4495.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCTABLET with ID 4496.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCHEART with ID 4497.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMONEY with ID 4498.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCNECKLACE with ID 4499.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material CUSTOMNPCS_NPCUSBSTICK with ID 4500.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_RECORDSHUFFLE with ID 4501.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_HORSESADDLE with ID 4502.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SHARKTEETH with ID 4503.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_HAYSTACK with ID 4504.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SUGARLUMP with ID 4505.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_MOCEGG with ID 4506.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BIGCATCLAW with ID 4507.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_WHIP with ID 4508.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_MEDALLION with ID 4509.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_KITTYBED with ID 4510.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_KITTYLITTER with ID 4511.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_WOOLBALL with ID 4512.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_PETFOOD with ID 4513.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BUILDERHAMMER with ID 4514.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_REPTILEHIDE with ID 4515.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_REPTILEPLATE with ID 4516.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_REPTILEHELMET with ID 4517.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_REPTILELEGS with ID 4518.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_REPTILEBOOTS with ID 4519.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLEMPTY with ID 4520.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLWATER with ID 4521.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLFISH1 with ID 4522.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLFISH2 with ID 4523.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLFISH3 with ID 4524.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLFISH4 with ID 4525.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLFISH5 with ID 4526.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLFISH6 with ID 4527.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLFISH7 with ID 4528.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLFISH8 with ID 4529.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLFISH9 with ID 4530.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BOWLFISH10 with ID 4531.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_FUR with ID 4532.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_OMELET with ID 4533.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_TURTLERAW with ID 4534.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_TURTLESOUP with ID 4535.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_NUNCHAKU with ID 4536.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SAI with ID 4537.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_BO with ID 4538.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_KATANA with ID 4539.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SHARKSWORD with ID 4540.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_KEY with ID 4541.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_ESSENCEDARKNESS with ID 4542.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_ESSENCEFIRE with ID 4543.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_AMULETBONE with ID 4544.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_AMULETBONEFULL with ID 4545.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_AMULETGHOST with ID 4546.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_AMULETGHOSTFULL with ID 4547.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_AMULETFAIRY with ID 4548.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_AMULETFAIRYFULL with ID 4549.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_AMULETPEGASUS with ID 4550.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_AMULETPEGASUSFULL with ID 4551.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_ESSENCEUNDEAD with ID 4552.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_ESSENCELIGHT with ID 4553.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_FURCHEST with ID 4554.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_FURHELMET with ID 4555.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_FURLEGS with ID 4556.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_FURBOOTS with ID 4557.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_HEARTDARKNESS with ID 4558.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_HEARTFIRE with ID 4559.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_HEARTUNDEAD with ID 4560.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_OSTRICHRAW with ID 4561.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_OSTRICHCOOKED with ID 4562.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_UNICORNHORN with ID 4563.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_FISHNET with ID 4564.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_HORSEARMORCRYSTAL with ID 4565.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_TURKEYRAW with ID 4566.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_TURKEYCOOKED with ID 4567.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_HIDE with ID 4568.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_HIDECHEST with ID 4569.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_HIDEHELMET with ID 4570.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_HIDELEGS with ID 4571.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_HIDEBOOTS with ID 4572.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_RATRAW with ID 4573.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_RATCOOKED with ID 4574.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_RATBURGER with ID 4575.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_CHITINBLACK with ID 4576.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_CHITINFROST with ID 4577.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_CHITINNETHER with ID 4578.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_CHITIN with ID 4579.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPSWORDCAVE with ID 4580.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPSWORDFROST with ID 4581.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPSWORDNETHER with ID 4582.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPSWORDDIRT with ID 4583.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPPLATEDIRT with ID 4584.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPHELMETDIRT with ID 4585.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPLEGSDIRT with ID 4586.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPBOOTSDIRT with ID 4587.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPPLATEFROST with ID 4588.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPHELMETFROST with ID 4589.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPLEGSFROST with ID 4590.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPBOOTSFROST with ID 4591.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPPLATECAVE with ID 4592.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPHELMETCAVE with ID 4593.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPLEGSCAVE with ID 4594.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPBOOTSCAVE with ID 4595.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPPLATENETHER with ID 4596.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPHELMETNETHER with ID 4597.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPLEGSNETHER with ID 4598.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPBOOTSNETHER with ID 4599.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPSTINGCAVE with ID 4600.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPSTINGFROST with ID 4601.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPSTINGNETHER with ID 4602.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCORPSTINGDIRT with ID 4603.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCROLLOFFREEDOM with ID 4604.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCROLLOFSALE with ID 4605.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_TUSKSWOOD with ID 4606.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_TUSKSIRON with ID 4607.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_TUSKSDIAMOND with ID 4608.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_ELEPHANTHARNESS with ID 4609.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_ELEPHANTCHEST with ID 4610.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_ELEPHANTGARMENT with ID 4611.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_ELEPHANTHOWDAH with ID 4612.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_MAMMOTHPLATFORM with ID 4613.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_CRABRAW with ID 4614.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_CRABCOOKED with ID 4615.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SILVERSWORD with ID 4616.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_STAFFPORTAL with ID 4617.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_STAFFTELEPORT with ID 4618.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_SCROLLOFOWNER with ID 4619.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material MOCREATURES_PETAMULET with ID 4620.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material EPLUS_ITEMTABLEUPGRADE with ID 4621.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material IRONCHEST_IRONGOLDUPGRADE with ID 4622.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material IRONCHEST_GOLDDIAMONDUPGRADE with ID 4623.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material IRONCHEST_COPPERSILVERUPGRADE with ID 4624.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material IRONCHEST_SILVERGOLDUPGRADE with ID 4625.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material IRONCHEST_COPPERIRONUPGRADE with ID 4626.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material IRONCHEST_DIAMONDCRYSTALUPGRADE with ID 4627.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material IRONCHEST_WOODIRONUPGRADE with ID 4628.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material IRONCHEST_WOODCOPPERUPGRADE with ID 4629.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material IRONCHEST_DIAMONDOBSIDIANUPGRADE with ID 4630.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMNAGASCALE with ID 4631.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMPLATENAGA with ID 4632.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMLEGSNAGA with ID 4633.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSCEPTERTWILIGHT with ID 4634.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSCEPTERLIFEDRAIN with ID 4635.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSCEPTERZOMBIE with ID 4636.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMOREMETER with ID 4637.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMAGICMAP with ID 4638.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMAZEMAP with ID 4639.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMOREMAP with ID 4640.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMTFFEATHER with ID 4641.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMAGICMAPFOCUS with ID 4642.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMAZEMAPFOCUS with ID 4643.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMLIVEROOT with ID 4644.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODRAW with ID 4645.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODINGOT with ID 4646.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODHELM with ID 4647.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODPLATE with ID 4648.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODLEGS with ID 4649.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODBOOTS with ID 4650.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODSWORD with ID 4651.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODSHOVEL with ID 4652.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODPICK with ID 4653.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODAXE with ID 4654.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMIRONWOODHOE with ID 4655.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMTORCHBERRIES with ID 4656.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMVENISONRAW with ID 4657.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMVENISONCOOKED with ID 4658.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMHYDRACHOP with ID 4659.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMFIERYBLOOD with ID 4660.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMTROPHY with ID 4661.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMFIERYINGOT with ID 4662.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMFIERYHELM with ID 4663.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMFIERYPLATE with ID 4664.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMFIERYLEGS with ID 4665.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMFIERYBOOTS with ID 4666.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMFIERYSWORD with ID 4667.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMFIERYPICK with ID 4668.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFINGOT with ID 4669.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFHELM with ID 4670.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFPLATE with ID 4671.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFLEGS with ID 4672.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFBOOTS with ID 4673.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFSWORD with ID 4674.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFSHOVEL with ID 4675.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFPICK with ID 4676.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFAXE with ID 4677.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSTEELEAFHOE with ID 4678.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMINOTAURAXE with ID 4679.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMAZEBREAKERPICK with ID 4680.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMTRANSFORMPOWDER with ID 4681.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMEEFRAW with ID 4682.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMEEFSTEAK with ID 4683.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMEEFSTROGANOFF with ID 4684.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMAZEWAFER with ID 4685.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMEMPTYMAGICMAP with ID 4686.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMEMPTYMAZEMAP with ID 4687.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMEMPTYOREMAP with ID 4688.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMOREMAGNET with ID 4689.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMCRUMBLEHORN with ID 4690.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMPEACOCKFAN with ID 4691.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMOONWORMQUEEN with ID 4692.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMCHARMOFLIFE1 with ID 4693.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMCHARMOFLIFE2 with ID 4694.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMCHARMOFKEEPING1 with ID 4695.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMCHARMOFKEEPING2 with ID 4696.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMCHARMOFKEEPING3 with ID 4697.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMTOWERKEY with ID 4698.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMBORERESSENCE with ID 4699.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMCARMINITE with ID 4700.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMEXPERIMENT115 with ID 4701.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMARMORSHARDS with ID 4702.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMKNIGHTMETAL with ID 4703.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSHARDCLUSTER with ID 4704.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMKNIGHTLYHELM with ID 4705.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMKNIGHTLYPLATE with ID 4706.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMKNIGHTLYLEGS with ID 4707.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMKNIGHTLYBOOTS with ID 4708.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMKNIGHTLYSWORD with ID 4709.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMKNIGHTLYPICK with ID 4710.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMKNIGHTLYAXE with ID 4711.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMPHANTOMHELM with ID 4712.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMPHANTOMPLATE with ID 4713.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMLAMPOFCINDERS with ID 4714.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMFIERYTEARS with ID 4715.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMALPHAFUR with ID 4716.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMYETIHELM with ID 4717.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMYETIPLATE with ID 4718.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMYETILEGS with ID 4719.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMYETIBOOTS with ID 4720.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMICEBOMB with ID 4721.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMARCTICFUR with ID 4722.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMARCTICHELM with ID 4723.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMARCTICPLATE with ID 4724.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMARCTICLEGS with ID 4725.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMARCTICBOOTS with ID 4726.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMMAGICBEANS with ID 4727.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMGIANTPICK with ID 4728.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMGIANTSWORD with ID 4729.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMTRIPLEBOW with ID 4730.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMSEEKERBOW with ID 4731.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMICEBOW with ID 4732.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMENDERBOW with ID 4733.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMICESWORD with ID 4734.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMGLASSSWORD with ID 4735.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMKNIGHTMETALRING with ID 4736.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMCHAINBLOCK with ID 4737.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMCUBETALISMAN with ID 4738.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMCUBEOFANNIHILATION with ID 4739.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material TWILIGHTFOREST_ITEMTFSPAWNEGG with ID 4740.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material INVISIBLIGHTS_ITEMLIGHTROD with ID 4741.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material INVISIBLIGHTS_ITEMDARKROD with ID 4742.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BETTERRECORDS_URLRECORD with ID 4743.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BETTERRECORDS_URLMULTIRECORD with ID 4744.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BETTERRECORDS_FREQCRYSTAL with ID 4745.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BETTERRECORDS_RECORDWIRE with ID 4746.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material BETTERRECORDS_RECORDWIRECUTTERS with ID 4747.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENCHANTEDROCK with ID 4748.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENCHANTEDGEM with ID 4749.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_CORENDCRY with ID 4750.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENDCRY with ID 4751.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENDERGEM with ID 4752.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_MAGMACHUNKNEW with ID 4753.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_HELLSTONE with ID 4754.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_RUBY with ID 4755.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SAPPHIRE with ID 4756.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_GUARDIANINGOT with ID 4757.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_PURIFIEDGOLD with ID 4758.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_BIRCHDOORITEM with ID 4759.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_JUNGLEDOORITEM with ID 4760.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SPRUCEDOORITEM with ID 4761.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ACACIADOORITEM with ID 4762.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_DARKOAKDOORITEM with ID 4763.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_GRAVELCLUMP with ID 4764.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_GOLDENFEATHER with ID 4765.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_BLOATEDINKSAC with ID 4766.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_AIRTANK with ID 4767.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_DIAMONDROD with ID 4768.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_EMPTYVIAL with ID 4769.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_EXPVIAL with ID 4770.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SHEADFRAG with ID 4771.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_CHEADFRAG with ID 4772.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ZOHEADFRAG with ID 4773.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_RAPIDBOW with ID 4774.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_MAGMASWORD with ID 4775.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_INKSWORD with ID 4776.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENCHANTEDSWORD with ID 4777.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_BEEHORSESWORD with ID 4778.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_COOKEDFLESH with ID 4779.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SEASONEDFLESH with ID 4780.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_TOAST with ID 4781.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SLIMEJELLY with ID 4782.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SLIMESANDWICH with ID 4783.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_TOASTEDSLIMESANDWICH with ID 4784.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_GRAVELPICKAXE with ID 4785.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_GRAVELSWORD with ID 4786.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_GRAVELAXE with ID 4787.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_GRAVELSHOVEL with ID 4788.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_GRAVELHOE with ID 4789.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_PGOLDPICKAXE with ID 4790.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_PGOLDSWORD with ID 4791.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_PGOLDAXE with ID 4792.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_PGOLDSHOVEL with ID 4793.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_PGOLDHOE with ID 4794.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_OBSIDIANPICKAXE with ID 4795.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_OBSIDIANSWORD with ID 4796.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_OBSIDIANAXE with ID 4797.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_OBSIDIANSHOVEL with ID 4798.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_OBSIDIANHOE with ID 4799.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_OBSIDIANHELMET with ID 4800.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_OBSIDIANPLATE with ID 4801.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_OBSIDIANLEGS with ID 4802.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_OBSIDIANBOOTS with ID 4803.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_EMERALDPICKAXE with ID 4804.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_EMERALDSWORD with ID 4805.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_EMERALDAXE with ID 4806.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_EMERALDSHOVEL with ID 4807.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_EMERALDHOE with ID 4808.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_EMERALDHELMET with ID 4809.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_EMERALDPLATE with ID 4810.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_EMERALDLEGS with ID 4811.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_EMERALDBOOTS with ID 4812.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_RUBYPICKAXE with ID 4813.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_RUBYSWORD with ID 4814.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_RUBYAXE with ID 4815.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_RUBYSHOVEL with ID 4816.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_RUBYHOE with ID 4817.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_RUBYHELMET with ID 4818.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_RUBYPLATE with ID 4819.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_RUBYLEGS with ID 4820.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_RUBYBOOTS with ID 4821.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SAPPHIREPICKAXE with ID 4822.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SAPPHIRESWORD with ID 4823.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SAPPHIREAXE with ID 4824.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SAPPHIRESHOVEL with ID 4825.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SAPPHIREHOE with ID 4826.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SAPPHIREHELMET with ID 4827.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SAPPHIREPLATE with ID 4828.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SAPPHIRELEGS with ID 4829.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SAPPHIREBOOTS with ID 4830.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENDERPICKAXE with ID 4831.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENDERSWORD with ID 4832.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENDERAXE with ID 4833.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENDERSHOVEL with ID 4834.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENDERHOE with ID 4835.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENDERHELMET with ID 4836.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENDERPLATE with ID 4837.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENDERLEGS with ID 4838.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_ENDERBOOTS with ID 4839.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SCORCHEDHELMET with ID 4840.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SCORCHEDPLATE with ID 4841.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SCORCHEDLEGS with ID 4842.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SCORCHEDBOOTS with ID 4843.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_INVHELMET with ID 4844.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_INVPLATE with ID 4845.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_INVLEGS with ID 4846.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_INVBOOTS with ID 4847.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SCUBAHELMET with ID 4848.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SCUBATANK with ID 4849.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SCUBAPANTS with ID 4850.
[15:58:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Injected new Forge item material VANILLAPLUS_SCUBAFLIPPERS with ID 4851.
[15:58:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Mapping loaded 11 packages, 7841 classes, 26711 fields, 53884 methods, flags 1ffa
[15:58:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Loaded inheritance map of 895 classes
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: Offendor: net/md_5/specialsource/SpecialSource.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: Offendor: net/md_5/specialsource/SpecialSource.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: Offendor: net/md_5/specialsource/SpecialSource.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: Offendor: net/md_5/specialsource/SpecialSource.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead
[15:58:43] [Server thread/WARN]: =============================================================
[15:58:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/TitleWelcomeMessage_v1.5.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/spigotmc/ProtocolInjector$PacketTitle
at ~[JavaPluginLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin( ~[SimplePluginManager.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [SimplePluginManager.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [CraftServer.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at [ayq.class:?]
at [ayq.class:?]
at [ahb.class:?]
at [mt.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( [lt.class:?]
at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at Source) [?:1.7.0_80]
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/spigotmc/ProtocolInjector$PacketTitle
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at ~[JavaPluginLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
... 11 more
[15:58:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/icJukeBox_-_v1.4.1.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: NoteBlockAPI
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [SimplePluginManager.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [CraftServer.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at [ayq.class:?]
at [ayq.class:?]
at [ahb.class:?]
at [mt.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( [lt.class:?]
at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at Source) [?:1.7.0_80]
[15:58:56] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/JukeBukkit.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: Spout
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [SimplePluginManager.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [CraftServer.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at [ayq.class:?]
at [ayq.class:?]
at [ahb.class:?]
at [mt.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( [lt.class:?]
at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at Source) [?:1.7.0_80]
[15:58:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/Disguiser.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: Cannot find main class `me.nizar.disguiser.Main'
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at ~[JavaPluginLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin( ~[SimplePluginManager.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [SimplePluginManager.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [CraftServer.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at [ayq.class:?]
at [ayq.class:?]
at [ahb.class:?]
at [mt.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( [lt.class:?]
at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at Source) [?:1.7.0_80]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failed to remap class me.nizar.disguiser.Main
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
... 12 more
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: me/nizar/disguiser/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
... 12 more
[15:59:00] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/DisguiseCraft.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at ~[JavaPluginLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin( ~[SimplePluginManager.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [SimplePluginManager.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [CraftServer.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at [ayq.class:?]
at [ayq.class:?]
at [ahb.class:?]
at [mt.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( [lt.class:?]
at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at Source) [?:1.7.0_80]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass( ~[launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at ~[PluginClassLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at ~[JavaPluginLoader.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
... 11 more
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldBorder] Loading WorldBorder v1.8.1
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [GroupManager] Loading GroupManager v2.0 (2.9.6) (Phoenix)
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore] Loading MassiveCore v7.3.0
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [JukeboxAPI] Loading JukeboxAPI v1.0
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [MyPlayerTime] Loading MyPlayerTime v1.0
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading Vault v1.5.0-b28
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpawnMob] Loading SpawnMob v4.1
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v2.5-b691
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutoMessage] Loading AutoMessage v2.5.2
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [RandomTeleport] Loading RandomTeleport vmaven-version-number
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Horses] Loading Horses v1.1.13
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [VillagerShop] Loading VillagerShop v0.4d
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestCommands] Loading ChestCommands v3.0.7
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [ColoredTags] Loading ColoredTags v2.1
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [Fart] Loading Fart v0.6.8
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [1vs1] Loading 1vs1 v1.6.5 #215
[15:59:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Loading ProtocolLib v3.6.5
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [Votifier] Loading Votifier v1.9
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Loading HolographicDisplays v1.8.8
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [GAListener] Loading GAListener v1.3.1
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [BanItem] Loading BanItem v2.8
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [AntiStrong] Loading AntiStrong v1.0
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [Jobs] Loading Jobs v2.12.0
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [QuickShop] Loading QuickShop v0.0.4
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatFeelings] Loading ChatFeelings v1.2
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v5.6.3
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [GoreaRestrict] Loading GoreaRestrict v3.1
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [UberEnchant] Loading UberEnchant v1.8
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [Reloader] Loading Reloader v3.2.1
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerHeads] Loading PlayerHeads v3.9-e0791a0
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [JSONAPI] Loading JSONAPI v5.6.0
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [AnvilColors] Loading AnvilColors v1.3.1
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v6.1
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [iConomy] Loading iConomy v7.0
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [BloodParticles] Loading BloodParticles v0.4.0
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [MarriageMaster] Loading MarriageMaster v1.28
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [MyPet] Loading MyPet v1.2.0
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading Essentials vPre2.14.1.3
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Loading Multiverse-Portals v2.5-b699
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat vPre2.14.1.3
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Loading EssentialsProtect vPre2.14.1.3
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn vPre2.14.1.3
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsAntiBuild] Loading EssentialsAntiBuild vPre2.14.1.3
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [Factions] Loading Factions v2.5.0
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [SilkSpawners] Loading SilkSpawners v3.7.1
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [ScoreboardStats] Loading ScoreboardStats v0.9.8
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [Autorank] Loading Autorank v3.4
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 40 Alps at BiomeBase[40]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 41 Arctic at BiomeBase[41]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 42 Bamboo Forest at BiomeBase[42]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 43 Bayou at BiomeBase[43]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 44 Bog at BiomeBase[44]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 45 Boreal Forest at BiomeBase[45]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 46 Brushland at BiomeBase[46]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 47 Canyon at BiomeBase[47]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 48 Chaparral at BiomeBase[48]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 49 Cherry Blossom Grove at BiomeBase[49]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 50 Coniferous Forest at BiomeBase[50]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 51 Snowy Coniferous Forest at BiomeBase[51]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 52 Crag at BiomeBase[52]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 53 Dead Forest at BiomeBase[53]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 54 Dead Swamp at BiomeBase[54]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 55 Deciduous Forest at BiomeBase[55]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 56 Fen at BiomeBase[56]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 57 Flower Field at BiomeBase[57]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 58 Frost Forest at BiomeBase[58]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 59 Fungi Forest at BiomeBase[59]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 60 Garden at BiomeBase[60]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 61 Grassland at BiomeBase[61]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 62 Grove at BiomeBase[62]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 63 Heathland at BiomeBase[63]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 64 Highland at BiomeBase[64]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 65 Jade Cliffs at BiomeBase[65]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 66 Lavender Fields at BiomeBase[66]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 67 Lush Desert at BiomeBase[67]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 68 Lush Swamp at BiomeBase[68]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 69 Maple Woods at BiomeBase[69]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 70 Marsh at BiomeBase[70]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 71 Meadow at BiomeBase[71]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 72 Moor at BiomeBase[72]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 73 Mountain at BiomeBase[73]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 74 Mystic Grove at BiomeBase[74]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 75 Ominous Woods at BiomeBase[75]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 76 Origin Valley at BiomeBase[76]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 77 Outback at BiomeBase[77]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 78 Prairie at BiomeBase[78]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 79 Rainforest at BiomeBase[79]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 80 Redwood Forest at BiomeBase[80]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 81 Sacred Springs at BiomeBase[81]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 82 Seasonal Forest at BiomeBase[82]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 83 Shield at BiomeBase[83]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 84 Shrubland at BiomeBase[84]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 85 Sludgepit at BiomeBase[85]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 86 Steppe at BiomeBase[86]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 87 Temperate Rainforest at BiomeBase[87]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 88 Thicket at BiomeBase[88]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 89 Tropical Rainforest at BiomeBase[89]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 90 Tundra at BiomeBase[90]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 91 Wasteland at BiomeBase[91]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 92 Wetland at BiomeBase[92]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 93 Woodland at BiomeBase[93]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 94 Coral Reef at BiomeBase[94]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 95 Kelp Forest at BiomeBase[95]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 96 Tropics at BiomeBase[96]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 97 Volcano at BiomeBase[97]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 98 Mangrove at BiomeBase[98]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 99 Alps Forest at BiomeBase[99]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 100 Canyon Ravine at BiomeBase[100]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 101 Glacier at BiomeBase[101]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 102 Meadow Forest at BiomeBase[102]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 103 Oasis at BiomeBase[103]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 104 Orchard at BiomeBase[104]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 105 Quagmire at BiomeBase[105]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 106 Scrubland at BiomeBase[106]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 107 Silkglades at BiomeBase[107]
[15:59:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 108 Spruce Woods at BiomeBase[108]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 109 Corrupted Sands at BiomeBase[109]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 110 Phantasmagoric Inferno at BiomeBase[110]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 111 Boneyard at BiomeBase[111]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 112 Visceral Heap at BiomeBase[112]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 113 Undergarden at BiomeBase[113]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 114 Polar Chasm at BiomeBase[114]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 115 Spectral Garden at BiomeBase[115]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 116 Lush River at BiomeBase[116]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 117 Dry River at BiomeBase[117]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 118 Twilight Lake at BiomeBase[118]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 119 Twilight Forest at BiomeBase[119]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 120 Dense Twilight Forest at BiomeBase[120]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 121 Twilight Highlands at BiomeBase[121]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 122 Mushroom Forest at BiomeBase[122]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 123 Twilight Swamp at BiomeBase[123]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 124 Twilight Stream at BiomeBase[124]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 125 Snowy Forest at BiomeBase[125]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 126 Twilight Glacier at BiomeBase[126]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 127 Twilight Clearing at BiomeBase[127]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 128 Oak Savanna at BiomeBase[128]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 135 Firefly Forest at BiomeBase[135]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 136 Deep Mushroom Forest at BiomeBase[136]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 137 Dark Forest Center at BiomeBase[137]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 138 Highlands Center at BiomeBase[138]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 139 Dark Forest at BiomeBase[139]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 141 Enchanted Forest at BiomeBase[141]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 142 Fire Swamp at BiomeBase[142]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 143 Thornlands at BiomeBase[143]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Adding biome mapping 207 WyvernBiome at BiomeBase[207]
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore] Enabling MassiveCore v7.3.0
[15:59:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] === ENABLE START ===
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Loading Playerdat datas...
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Loading Cachefile datas...
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Loading Onlineplayer datas...
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Loading Registry datas...
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Loading Dbmojangapi datas...
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Player Strings Found: 0
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Player Strings Cached: 0
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Player Strings Remaining: 0
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Now fetching the remaining players from Mojang API ...
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] ... done!
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Saving Cachefile...
[15:59:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Setup of IdUtil took 237ms.
[15:59:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 2606ms) ===
[15:59:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.5.0-b28
[15:59:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
[15:59:17] [Server thread/WARN]: iConomy - If you are using Flatfile storage be aware that versions 6, 7 and 8 have a CRITICAL bug which can wipe ALL iconomy data.
[15:59:17] [Server thread/WARN]: if you're using Votifier, or any other plugin which handles economy data in a threaded manner your server is at risk!
[15:59:17] [Server thread/WARN]: it is highly suggested to use SQL with iCo6 or to use an alternative economy plugin!
[15:59:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] iConomy 6 found: Waiting
[15:59:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] GroupManager found: Waiting
[15:59:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
[15:59:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Chat] GroupManager found: Waiting
[15:59:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.5.0-b28
[15:59:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Activated integration with Vault
[15:59:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v3.6.5
[15:59:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Started structure compiler thread.
[15:59:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [MassiveCore 7.3.0] Activated integration with ProtocolLib
[15:59:30] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading dimension 0 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@58b9691)
[15:59:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading dimension 7 (DIM7) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@58b9691)
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: Exception caught during firing event$Load@6199e4b7:
at codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderManager.load( ~[ChunkLoaderManager.class:?]
at codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderEventHandler.onWorldLoad( ~[ChunkLoaderEventHandler.class:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_49_ChunkLoaderEventHandler_onWorldLoad_Load.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( ~[ASMEventHandler.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at [EventBus.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( [lt.class:?]
at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at Source) [?:1.7.0_80]
Caused by:
at Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderManager.loadLoginTimes( ~[ChunkLoaderManager.class:?]
at codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderManager.load( ~[ChunkLoaderManager.class:?]
... 8 more
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: Index: 5 Listeners:
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: 0: HIGHEST
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: 1: ASM: net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeInternalHandler@12752f7c onDimensionLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: 2: NORMAL
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: 3: ASM: drzhark.customspawner.EventHooks@175965d2 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: 4: ASM: drzhark.mocreatures.MoCEventHooks@c7407d7 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: 5: ASM: codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderEventHandler@1855bb90 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: 6: ASM: twilightforest.TFEventListener@34ef96a6 worldLoaded(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception
at codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderManager.load( ~[ChunkLoaderManager.class:?]
at codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderEventHandler.onWorldLoad( ~[ChunkLoaderEventHandler.class:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_49_ChunkLoaderEventHandler_onWorldLoad_Load.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( ~[ASMEventHandler.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at ~[EventBus.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( ~[MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( ~[lt.class:?]
at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at Source) [?:1.7.0_80]
Caused by:
at Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderManager.loadLoginTimes( ~[ChunkLoaderManager.class:?]
at codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderManager.load( ~[ChunkLoaderManager.class:?]
... 8 more
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: Cause of unexpected exception was
at Source) ~[?:1.7.0_80]
at codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderManager.loadLoginTimes( ~[ChunkLoaderManager.class:?]
at codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderManager.load( ~[ChunkLoaderManager.class:?]
at codechicken.chunkloader.ChunkLoaderEventHandler.onWorldLoad( ~[ChunkLoaderEventHandler.class:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_49_ChunkLoaderEventHandler_onWorldLoad_Load.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( ~[ASMEventHandler.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at ~[EventBus.class:KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( ~[MinecraftServer.class:?]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( ~[lt.class:?]
at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
at Source) [?:1.7.0_80]
[15:59:35] [Server thread/ERROR]: This crash report has been saved to: /home/minecraft/servers/mine24870/./crash-reports/crash-2016-04-09_15.59.35-server.txt
[15:59:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
[15:59:35] [Server thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
[15:59:35] [Server thread/INFO]: The state engine was in incorrect state SERVER_STARTING and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded.