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Problème de config du plugin war

Discussion dans 'Serveurs' créé par MrTiassma, 16 Juin 2013.

  1. MrTiassma

    MrTiassma Enter the World

    16 Mar 2013
    j'ai installé le plugin war il y a peu et il fonctionne plutôt bien mais j'ai un problème : la config du plugin est pour toutes les warzones. Par exemple, dans une warzone, j'aimerais que les équipes aient 20 vies alors que dans une autre warzone j'aimerais qu'elles en aient 40.
    Pouvez vous m'aider ??
  2. _Tryall_

    _Tryall_ Mineur de Fer

    30 Jan 2012
    Va dans une zone

    /zonecfg lifepool:20

    Dans une autre

    /zonecfg lifepool:40

    • /zonecfg [zone-name]
      • Warzone settings can be inherited from the War/global level, but they can be tweaked on a per-warzone basis.
      • Use named parameters in any order to change configuration of the zone. This command does not save zone blocks like /savezone.Some changes may not be applied until you use /resetzone or the warzone resets automatically.
      • For example:
        • /zonecfg [zone-name] lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on ff:on blockheads:off spawnstyle:<big/flat/small> unbreakable:on nocreatures:on disabled:on,
        • /zonecfg loadout:default
        • /zonecfg loadout:bomber
        • /zonecfg reward:default
      • The warzone settings are the following
        • autoassign:<on/off>. Replaces the lobby team gates with a single door that automatically choose a team for the players. Off by default.
        • bockheads:<on/off>. Gives all team members a head made of the wool color of their team. On by default.
        • deathmessages:<on/off>. Toggles the War kill/death feed.
        • disabled:<on/off>. Hides the warzone at the warhub. Prevents new players from joining the zone. Reset the zone with /resetzone to kick out players. Use to let normal player let you, the zonemaker, work in peace and to prevent accidental warzone resets while you're working.
        • friendlyfire:<on/off>. Let team mates hurt each other.
        • glasswalls:off. Turns off the magic glass walls. Players are bumped back into the zone if they stray outside.
        • instabreak:true. Makes blocks break instantly inside warzones. Useful for spleef.
        • minteams:1. Use in combination with minplayers. If you don't have minplayers players on at least minteams teams, then the players can't leave the spawn.
        • minplayers:1. Use in combination with minteams.
        • monumentheal:<number>. The number of hearts restored when healed randomly by a monument.
        • nocreatures:<on/off>. Prevents mobs and animals from spawning inside the warzone. Off by default.
        • nodrops:<on/off>. Turn on to prevent people from dropping inventory items on the ground manually (to prevent item exploiting). Off by default.
        • pvpinzone:<on/off>. Turns off in-zone PVP. Useful for spleef. On by default.
        • realdeaths:<on/off>. War intercepts and prevents real deaths for fast respawn. Turn on for better plugin cross-compatibility. Off by default.
        • resetonempty:<on/off>. Whether the zone should reset automatically when the last player leaves (to give a clean playing field for the next players).
        • resetonload:<on/off>. Whether the zone should reset automatically when the plugin loads.
        • resetonunload:<on/off>. Whether the zone should reset automatically when the plugin unloads.
        • unbreakable:<on/off>. Prevents the blocks in the warzone from being edited during a match. Off by default.
    • J'approuve J'approuve x 1
  3. MrTiassma

    MrTiassma Enter the World

    16 Mar 2013
    ok merci :)

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