Salut je voudrais rédiger un plugin en français mais quand j'ai finis un message s'affiche: null there is no usable arena.
Je souhaiterais faire une rédaction en français svp merci :) un grand merci à celui qui le fera le plugin est advancedduel voici le texte merci :)!
Code (cpp):
#====================================== Plugin Info ======================================#
### This plugin was was originally made for pvp factions server.
### If you have any question or bugs to report please add me on skype: business.senpai
### And again, thank you for buying my resource.
### /duel - default permission
### /duel help - default permission
### /duel accept <player> - default permission
### /duel request <player> (arena)
### /duel arena list - default permission
### /duel stats <player> - default permission
### /duel leave - default permission
### /duel leaderboard - default permission
### /duel queue - default permission
### /duel create <arena> - advancedduel.create or op
### /duel remove <arena> - advancedduel.remove or op
### /duel enable <arena> - advancedduel.enable or op
### /duel disable <arena> - advancedduel.disable or op
### /duel editstats <player> [elo,wins,loses,ties] <amount> - advancedduel.edistats or op
### /duel reload - op
config_version: 2
#==================================== Messages/Prefix ====================================#
### Color/Format support:
Prefix: '&b&lDuel &8>> '
Game_starting: '&aThe game is starting in &e5 seconds'
Game_starting_very_soon: '&6~ &e%s% seconds'
Game_ending: '&aThe game is ending in &e5 seconds'
Game_ending_very_soon: '&6~ &e%s% seconds'
Player_not_online: '&cThis player is not online'
No_arena: '&cThere is no arena available'
Already_requested: '&cYou already requested this player'
Not_requested: '&cThis player never sent you a request'
Request_sent: '&aYou have sent a duel request to&6: &e%player%'
Request_received: '&e%player% &arequested you for a duel'
Player_has_won: '&e%player% &ahas won the duel with &c%health% health &aleft'
Cant_Perform_Command: '&cYou may not perform commands during a duel'
You_are_already_in_game: '&cYou''re already in-game'
Player_is_in_game: '&cThis player is already in-game'
Cant_send_request: '&cYou can''t send a request to yourself'
Game_tied: '&cThe game tied, no one gained or lost Elo points'
Joined_queue: '&aYou have joined the queue'
Left_queue: '&cYou have left the queue'
Already_in_game: '&cYou are already in-game'
Player_not_in_game: '&cYou are not in-game'
New_elo: '&6~ &aNew Elo&6: &d%elo%'
Already_in_queue: '&cYou are already in queue'
Placed_in_queue: '&aYou have been placed in queue. &eYou are number&6: &c%number%'
Placed_in_queue_next: '&aYou have been placed in queue. &eYou are next'
Number_in_queue: '&aThere is &d%number% &arequests before you'
Number_in_queue_next: '&aYou are playing next!'
Left_queue: '&cYou have left the queue'
Not_in_queue: '&cYou are not in queue'
Cant_do_that_in_queue: '&cYou can''t execute this command when you have sent a request or when you are in queue, /duel leave to exit the queue'
Left_game_or_queue: '&aYou have left the queue/game and your requests has been cleared'
Fight_own_vid: '&e%player% &arequested you for a duel with your own inventory'
Help: '&cInvalid command! /duel help for more information'
#================================== Stats Command Config =================================#
###PlaceHolders: %player%, %elo%, %wins%, %loses%, %ties%:
- '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- ' &bStats for&6: &e%player%'
- ' &aElo&2: &c%elo% &8| &aWins&2: &c%wins% &8| &aLoses&2: &c%loses% &8| &aTies&2: &c%ties%'
- '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
#================================== Leaderboard Config ===================================#
###The leaderboard is ordered by Elo points.
###PlaceHolders: %player%, %elo%, %wins%, %loses%, %ties%:
- '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- '1 &b1&6 - &e%player% &aElo&2: &c%elo% &aWins&2: &c%wins% &aLoses&2: &c%loses%'
- '2 &b2&6 - &e%player% &aElo&2: &c%elo% &aWins&2: &c%wins% &aLoses&2: &c%loses%'
- '3 &b3&6 - &e%player% &aElo&2: &c%elo% &aWins&2: &c%wins% &aLoses&2: &c%loses%'
- '4 &b4&6 - &e%player% &aElo&2: &c%elo% &aWins&2: &c%wins% &aLoses&2: &c%loses%'
- '5 &b5&6 - &e%player% &aElo&2: &c%elo% &aWins&2: &c%wins% &aLoses&2: &c%loses%'
- '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
#================================ Starting Game message ==================================#
###Starting message.
###I know it looks a little bit funky in the config but the result in-game is great, picture:
- ' '
- ' '
- ' &b&l>> &c&lDuel &b&l<<'
- ' '
- ' &eEliminate the enemy!'
- ' '
- ' &a&lGood Luck'
- ' '
- ' '
#==================================== Duel GUI Config ====================================#
### GUI configuration:
Item_id: 358
Item_data: 0
Item_name: '&bArena&6: &e%arena%'
- '&aClick here to join the queue'
Item_id: 35
Item_data: 14
Item_name: '&cLeave the queue'
Item_lore: []
Item_id: 388
Item_data: 0
Item_name: '&aJoin the queue'
- '&afor a quick match!'
Item_id: 399
Item_data: 0
Item_name: '&dClick me to see the'
- '&dleaderboard!'
#================================== Sign design/config ===================================#
### Sign design and configuration:
### How to create a sign:
#### line - 1 : [Duel]
#### line - 2 : join
#### line - 3 : arena name
Sign_line_1: '&8<< &b&lDuel &8>>'
Sign_line_2: '&aJoin the arena:'
Sign_line_3: '&c%arena%'
Sign_line_4: ''
#==================== Disabled commands during queue or request ==========================#
### Disabled commands:
- '/sg join'
- '/ma join'
#=================================== Disabled worlds =====================================#
### Disabled worlds:
- 'custom_world'
#===================================== Own kit GUI =======================================#
### GUI config:
Item_id: 307
Item_data: 0
Item_name: '&aFight with the'
- '&aarena kit!'
Item_id: 311
Item_data: 0
Item_name: '&cFight with your'
- '&cown kit!'
- '&7(Only if you''re a real mvp)'
#=================================== Rewards config ======================================#
### Rewards:
- 'give %player% diamond 1'
- 'give %player% dirt 1'
#================================== Game Option/Setting ==================================#
### Game setting:
Starting_Elo_points: 1400
Game_max_lenght_in_seconds: 300
Disable_death_message: true
Autosave_enabled: true
Autosave_interval_seconds: 600
Broadcast_winner: false
Allow_pvp_with_own_items: true
merci aurevoir :)