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Balle of the Year

Discussion dans 'Corbeille' créé par jeodoAerog, 5 Oct 2013.

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  1. jeodoAerog

    jeodoAerog Nouveau

    17 Nov 2012
    "Struggle of the Year" discuss exactly how the other world has actually welcomed b-boy culture, yet how they're no longer regarded as cutting edge or cool in the Usa.

    That stresses the Sean Combs-like impresario, Dante (Laz Alonso): "How long before hip-hop isn't really cool?".

    He has to protect his style, popular music and dancing empire by putting American b-boys back ahead. He hires an old dance friend, W.B. (for "Wonder Bread"), now a grieving, sprituous ex-basketball coach (Josh Holloway of "Lost"). W.B. has to get himself up to speed up on the existing state of dancing, after that recruit and coach a "all-star team" of the very best of America's ideal to take on the other world, which gettings passed America by and long controlled the yearly b-boy Olympics called "BOTY," the Battle of the Year.

    That group contains diverse pretentious, chip-on-their-shoulder showoffs, since that's exactly what it requires to be successful. Actual star dancers such as Do Knock and Flipz are combined with others, consisting of vocalist Chris Brown.

    And assisting coach is Jewish hip-hop authority "Franklyn with a y," played by Josh Peck.

    Benson Lee, director of the clear-cut documentary on the around the world phenomenon, "Planet B-Boy," co-wrote and directed this, and immodestly has characters view that movie and sing its praises. Holloway could not even mean an actual dance past, so the film fabricates that by having his coach run his men through drills (in split-screen series).

    Peck, when of T.V's "Drake & Josh," one-time celebrity of "The Wackness," has a small, sustaining task but is offered leading billing. In this case, that suggests his every scene includes coiffed and excessively made-up close-ups. It's laughable.

    Tabloid favorite Brown even more compared to holds his very own with this workers, apparently not even needing a dance double. The dancing situations-- especially those entailing teams from Germany, France and Korea-- take the b-boy transfer to the next degree.

    And there are sufficient easy, undemanding laughs, the most effective lines originating from Peck's assistant coach.

    "You look like a gazelle around," he praises his supervisor. "A gazelle with arthritis." Which, while it does not describe the movie, does hit this category right in the bull's eye. Yet then, the charm of "Step Up" and all its worn out imitators is that the audience they're shooting for has no concept that there have actually been 20 or 30 films specifically such as this one that came prior to it.

    He has to shield his fashion, popular music and dancing empire by putting American b-boys back on leading. He employs an aged dance colleague, W.B. (for "Wonder Bread"), now a grieving, alcoholic ex-basketball coach (Josh Holloway of "Lost"). W.B. has to get himself up to speed on the present state of dance, then sponsor and coach a "desire team" of the finest of America's finest to take on the remainder of the world, which has passed America by and long controlled the yearly b-boy Olympics understood as "BOTY," the Battle of the Year.

    here hip hop music http://hip2hop.com listen hip hop
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