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ENG Tutorial How to promote Minecraft Server

Discussion dans 'Corbeille' créé par craftfactory, 2 Nov 2012.

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  1. craftfactory

    craftfactory Nouveau

    2 Nov 2012
    Your Minecraft server will not succeed if you do not put effort into advertising. The easiest and fastest way is the website.
    With it, players will be familiar with the server rules and organized events.

    What to do if You don't know complicated programming languages? And you can't build a website for your server?
    You do not have to limit yourself to give his address your friends on Facebook! Create Your webpage on www.craft-factory.com, specifically adapted into Minecraft servers.
    A simple wizard will allow you to customize the site with a few clicks and from level of the Administrative Panel, You'll be able to post important information, create galleries and lead rankings! Check out our Partnership Program.
    In addition, you can change the look of your website according to your tastes using the many free templates, so that it will be even more attractive to your players.
  2. Morgoth

    Morgoth Résident de l'End

    1 Mai 2012
    6 351
    Moved in off topic section.
  3. Moved to the trash.
    Every server I've checked in their recent pages has the IP
    Fishy shit is fishy.
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