1. Le forum de Minecraft-France va définitivement fermer ses portes. Celui-ci restera en lecture seule mais vous ne pourrez plus y apporter de nouveaux topics. Nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre sur le Discord de Minecraft-France qui permet de présenter vos projets, discuter avec la communauté etc.. Merci à tous d'avoir fait vivre ce forum de nombreuses années. Pour nous rejoindre sur Discord, Cliquez ici

http://jeu.video - the first forum ruled by gamer girls !

Discussion dans 'Corbeille' créé par LounaJV, 21 Nov 2015.

  1. LounaJV

    LounaJV Nouveau

    6 Oct 2015
    Join right now http://jeu.video, a forum ruled by female players ! You're welcome, that you are a gamer, a gamer girl, a streamer or a female streamer, you will find your place. Streams are organized by female streamers from the staff, who are pleased to play at many games, recent or older. Are you a female streamer ? We give you the opportunity, that you're a newbie, or that you want to enlarge your public, to broadcast your stream directly in our site, in front of our community. A good way to start !

    The website has also a french Agario server, unique in the world ; it's the 1st server with exclusive game mechanics. There are timed game sessions, "Bonuses" which enable you to increase your speed, your mass, or moreover to be invinsible during a few seconds. A chat is available to interact with other players, you just have to register to enable this feature. Latest news, further mods and a wheel of fortune are available. Meet us at http://jeu.video/agario !

    Then, there is also a server for Minecraft lovers ; based in PvP/Faction mechanics, with loads of innovative and useful features. You can join the game at http://jeu.video/minecraft !

    Follow us on :

    Our Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jeuvideo/1594301850808507?ref=hl
    Our Twitter account : https://twitter.com/JeuVideofr
    Our Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiGIcAEs4eBO1cqoKomWKHg
    Our Google+ page : https://plus.google.com/103200692436219574153/

    Finally, Join this new adventure and share your knowledge on jeu.video, The first community led by gamer girls !
  2. MrBolbeck

    MrBolbeck Panda givré
    Membre Premium

    22 Oct 2013
    1 269

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