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Survival [Moddé][1.7.10] Serveur privé

Discussion dans 'Serveurs personnalisés' créé par SoonBanned, 26 Juin 2019.

  1. SoonBanned

    SoonBanned Nouveau

    26 Juin 2019

    • nom: Gluzudur
    • Type: Mod
    • Nombre de slots: 6/8 (2 places sont déjà réservés )
    • White list: oui
    • Candidature: oui
    • Versions crackées acceptées: non
    Ce serveur est un serveur qui a pour but d'avoir une ambiance conviviale avec des gens qui sauront apporté leur touche au serveur. Ce serait un peut ressemblant au serveur Feed The Patrick (C'est une caricature car on ne pourra pas évidemment récrée une telle chose), chacun aurait sa base, en team ou non, les joueurs seront sur le même discord si ils le souhaitent et pourrons s'amuser ensemble. Les pranks et autre ne seront pas interdites mais à faire dans certaines limites (amusement, non dégradation et consentement de la "victime") tout cela pour éviter les problèmes. Nous n'avons pas la prétention d'assurer qu'il n'y aura aucun problème c'est notre premier projet avec des inconnus et le modpack n'a pas été mis à l'épreuve donc il pourra y avoir des bugs mais cela sera vite régler en général.

    AE2 Stuff (by bdew)
    Actually Additions (by Ellpeck)
    Additional-Buildcraft-Objects (by DA3DSOUL)
    Advanced Chimneys (by EnderLanky)
    Advanced Rocketry (by zmaster587)
    AgriCraft (by InfinityRaider)
    Ancient Trees (by scottkillen)
    Another One Bites the Dust (by ganymedes01)
    Another One Bites the Dust: Berry Bushes (by ganymedes01)
    AppleCore (by squeek502)
    Applied Energistics 2 (by AlgorithmX2)
    Archimedes' Ships (by Balkondeur)
    Aroma1997Core (by Aroma1997)
    Aroma1997s Dimensional World (by Aroma1997)
    Automagy (by Tuhljin)
    Avaritia (by Assassinfox)
    Back in Slime - Slime Blocks for 1.7 (by don_bruce)
    BdLib (by bdew)
    BeeBetterAtBees (by HellFirePvP)
    BetterFps (by Guichaguri)
    BiblioCraft (by JDSinclair)
    BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Edition (by JDSinclair)
    BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Forestry Edition (by JDSinclair)
    BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Natura Edition (by JDSinclair)
    Big Reactors (by ErogenousBeef)
    Binnie's Mods (by Binnie567)
    BiomeTweaker (by superckl)
    Biomes O' Plenty (by GlitchfiendMods)
    Blood Magic (by WayofTime)
    Botania (by Vazkii_)
    Brandon's Core (by brandon3055)
    Buildcraft (by CovertJaguar)
    Carpenter's Blocks (by Syntaxial)
    Chisel (by tterrag1098)
    ChromatiCraft (by ReikaKalseki)
    Chunk-Pregenerator (by Speiger)
    CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH)
    CoFH Lib (by TeamCoFH)
    CodeChickenCore (by chicken_bones)
    Collective Framework (by austinv11)
    Compact Machines (by Davenonymous)
    ComputerCraft (by dantwohundred)
    Cooking for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth)
    CraftTweaker (by Jaredlll08)
    Decocraft2 (by RazzleberryFox)
    Draconic Evolution (by brandon3055)
    DragonAPI (by ReikaKalseki)
    Enchiridion (by joshiejack)
    Ender IO (by CrazyPants_MC)
    Ender IO Addons (by Henry_Loenwind)
    Ender Storage (by chicken_bones)
    Ender Utilities (by masa_)
    EnderCore (by tterrag1098)
    Equivalent Exchange 3 (by Pahimar)
    Excore (by elix_x)
    Extra Utilities (by RWTema)
    ExtraCells2 (by Destroyer7128)
    FTB Library (by FTB)
    FTB Tweaks (by FTB)
    FTB Utilities (by FTB)
    Fairy Lights (by pau101)
    Fast Leaf Decay (by Olafskii)
    Forestry (by SirSengir)
    ForgeEndertech (by EnderLanky)
    Funky Locomotion (by RWTema)
    Gendustry (by bdew)
    Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize)
    Immersive Integration (by UnwrittenFun)
    Industrial Craft (by Player)
    Inventory Tweaks (by Kobata)
    Iron Backpacks (by gr8pefish)
    Iron Chests (by progwml6)
    JourneyMap (by techbrew)
    Kitchen Mod (by MrSpring)
    Kore Sample (by scottkillen)
    LibVulpes (by zmaster587)
    Logistics Pipes (by mc_rs485)
    LootBags (by Malorolam)
    LunatriusCore (by Lunatrius)
    MFR Magical Crops Compatibility (by Portablejim)
    Magic Bees (by MysteriousAges)
    Magical Crops (by Mark719)
    MalisisCore (by Ordinastie)
    MalisisDoors (by Ordinastie)
    Mantle (by mDiyo)
    Mariculture (by joshiejack)
    McJtyLib (by McJty)
    Mekanism (by aidancbrady)
    Mekanism Generators (by aidancbrady)
    Mekanism Tools (by aidancbrady)
    Minechem (by jakimfett)
    Minefactory Reloaded (by skyboy026)
    MobiusCore (by ProfMobius)
    ModTweaker (by Jaredlll08)
    Modular Powersuits (by MachineMuse)
    MoreChisels (by TehNut)
    Morpheus (by Quetzi)
    MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (by Mr_Crayfish)
    Mystcraft (by XCompWiz)
    Natura (by mDiyo)
    NotEnoughIDs (by fewizz)
    NotEnoughItems (by chicken_bones)
    NotEnoughResources (by Way2muchnoise)
    Nuclear Control 2 (by Xbony2)
    NuclearCraft (by tomdodd4598)
    Numina (by MachineMuse)
    OpenBlocks (by OpenMods)
    OpenComputers (by SangarWasTaken)
    OpenEye (by OpenMods)
    OpenFM (by MichiyoRavencroft)
    OpenGlasses (by marcin212)
    OpenLights (by MichiyoRavencroft)
    OpenModsLib (by OpenMods)
    OpenPeripheralAddons (by OpenMods)
    OpenPeripheralCore (by OpenMods)
    OpenPeripheralIntegration (by OpenMods)
    OpenSecurity (by MichiyoRavencroft)
    OpenSensors (by MichiyoRavencroft)
    Opis (by ProfMobius)
    OreDictionaryConverter (by EXTER7)
    Pam's HarvestCraft (by MatrexsVigil)
    Pam's Simple Recipes (by MatrexsVigil)
    Peripherals++ (by austinv11)
    Physica (by aurilisdev)
    Physica Modular Forcefield System (by aurilisdev)
    Physica Nuclear Physics (by aurilisdev)
    PlanetguyLib (by Planetguy)
    PneumaticCraft (by minemaarten2)
    Portal Gun (by iChun)
    Project Red - Base (by Mr_TJP)
    Project Red - Compat (by Mr_TJP)
    Project Red - Fabrication (by Mr_TJP)
    Project Red - Integration (by Mr_TJP)
    Project Red - Lighting (by Mr_TJP)
    Project Red - Mechanical (by Mr_TJP)
    Project Red - World (by Mr_TJP)
    ProjectE (by sinkillerj)
    QuantumFlux (by FantasyTeddy)
    QuantumStorage (by Gigabit1011)
    RFTools (by McJty)
    Railcraft (by CovertJaguar)
    Random Things (by lumien231)
    ReAuth (by TechnicianLP)
    ReactorCraft (by ReikaKalseki)
    Reborn Core (by modmuss50)
    Redstone Arsenal (by TeamCoFH)
    Remain in Motion (by Planetguy)
    Roguelike Dungeons (by Greymerk)
    RotaryCraft (by ReikaKalseki)
    Schematica (by Lunatrius)
    ShetiPhianCore (by ShetiPhian)
    Simply Jetpacks (by tonius111)
    Solar Expansion (by Shad0wB1ade)
    Steve's Addons (by hilburn)
    Steve's Carts 2 (by Vswe)
    Steve's Factory Manager (by Vswe)
    Storage Drawers (by jaquadro)
    TPS Mod (by Codetoil)
    Tech Reborn (by modmuss50)
    Technomancy (by theflowgate)
    Thaumcraft (by azanor)
    Thaumic Energistics (by Nividica)
    Thaumic Tinkerer (by nekosune)
    The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic)
    Thermal Dynamics (by TeamCoFH)
    Thermal Expansion (by TeamCoFH)
    Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH)
    Thermal Smeltery (by Drullkus)
    Tinker I/O (by gkbm2011)
    Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo)
    Tinkers' Mechworks (by mDiyo)
    Translocators (by chicken_bones)
    UniDict (by WanionCane)
    Waila (by ProfMobius)
    Waila Harvestability (by squeek502)
    Waterhook (by Henry_Loenwind)
    Wawla - What Are We Looking At (by Darkhax)
    Waystones (by BlayTheNinth)
    Wireless Crafting Terminal (by TheRealp455w0rd)
    Wood Stuff (by ganymedes01)
    Ztones (by riciJak)
    [ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands (by oily_oli)
    iChunUtil (by iChun)
    p455w0rd's Library (by TheRealp455w0rd)

    Au minimum j'estime que 8 go de ram est nécessaire au fonctionnement "correct" du pack après libre a vous d'utiliser optifine ou non pour optimiser vos performances.

    Equipe du serveur:

    • Administrateur(s): SoonBanned, Electronova
    • Développeur(s): SoonBanned
    Pour candidater il vous suffit de remplir le formulaire suivant:

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