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Senatia - Minecraft project

Discussion dans 'Corbeille' créé par Senatia, 28 Août 2016.

  1. Senatia

    Senatia Nouveau

    28 Août 2016
    Avant tout, sachez que ce thread est en anglais, mais il s'adresse également à la communauté française de minecraft. Une traduction sera disponible ultérieurement. Merci de votre compréhension.

    -|- Presentation -|-

    Senatia is a new, upcoming Minecraft experience inspired by multiple popular games such as Fallout, World of Warcraft and Guild Wars. We aim to make this project unique and different from any Minecraft server or network that currently exists.

    - The core of the experience will be made up of four factions which a player can join when they first start on the server. These factions will be involved in events and minigames around the map and will be able to work together to capture areas of the map.

    Our idea is to have an expanse open world containing custom biomes and structures. With two "bases" at each end of the map, Factions can fight over these bases in order to gain control of a key area of the world. With an experienced development and staff team, we think we can make this project fun for all players and different from other servers and we want you to be a part of it.

    -|- Recruiting -|-

    - We are currently recruiting builders, one of the most important roles in the project due to the scale of the map.
    Builders will have access to tools which will help them with terraforming and building, and will be given perks such as theb builder rank and perks ingame once we release.

    - We are currently recruiting
    designers too, who can be able to create the server's logo, banners and web site's style

    Contact us:
    - Email : [email protected]
  2. Saphir88

    Saphir88 Mineur de Redstone

    18 Juil 2012
    1 668
    Bonjour @Senatia ,
    Nous sommes sur un forum français et la langue officiel est donc le Français.
    Merci donc de recréer votre topic en Français.


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