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    [Problème] plugin CookieMonster, 15 Oct 2015
  1. Sony270

    Ma config :

    # general plugin settings
    # if you don't want deciamls ($1.23)
    wholeNumberRewards: false
    # if only direct player kills gives reward (disables mob farming)
    # (this is ignored if on a disabled world or region)
    onlyKillDrop: false
    # if replaceDrop, then default drops are removed & substituted
    # if false, custom drops are added to the existing drops
    replaceDrops: false
    # if onlyKillDrop: false, should custom drops always occur?
    alwaysReplaceDrops: true
    # if allow hunting with wolves
    allowWolfHunt: true
    #disable damage if can't afford to kill? (applies to wolves, too)
    disableExpensiveKill: true
    # any world listed here won't be checked (comma-delimited, case-insensitive)
    disableWorlds: testWorld1, world2, random_world_nether
    # if any regions are defined, should they be disabled regions or the only places cm is enabled?
    # true (default): regions are areas where cm is disabled
    # (however, regions on disabled worlds are reversed & will be enabled)
    # false: cm is globally disabled, except for within regions (disabled worlds ignored)
    regionsDisable: true
    # for how long a player is 'protected' from spawn camping
    # (player kill rewards are nulled)
    playerRewardWait: 1m
    # if a player killed within the playerRewardWait period
    # reward is reversed (in case of positive reward only)
    # eg. player who kills the player pays amount
    playerReverseProtect: false
    # if the players who die pay the killer (assuming has enough)
    playerPaysReward: false
    # optional multiplier for dropped exp
    expMultiplier: 1
    # optionally can reward all player who helped kill a monster
    # will give a % of the potential reward generated for each player
    multipleRewards: true

    #spawn camp tracking occurs when a player kills a monster
    # if enabled, there are no rewards (or drops) after the threshold is passed
    enabled: false
    # if global is enabled, will apply camp tracking to "natural" deaths
    # this would allow monsters to drop items naturally, but disable monster killing machines
    # (player drops are preserved, though, to protect the innocent)
    global: false
    # if suspected camping kills won't drop items
    disableDrops: true
    # if also disabled exp drops
    disableExp: true
    # elevation change max
    deltaY: 5
    # square about center (distance from center to edge)
    deltaX: 20
    # time before a kill is no longer counted against tracking
    # positive integer values only, units being m(inutes) h(hours) d(ays) w(eeks) M(onths) (default: m)
    timeout: 20m
    # max kills in the area before counted as spawn camping
    campKills: 50

    # any LivingEntity listed here can have it's own rewards
    # can give a range for economy reward ( min-max )
    # itemCoins to give custom ranges for individual items (note: durability not supported for items here)
    # can configure custom drops for each (origional drops are replaced with these, so 0%0 would disable rewards)
    # drops syntax: itemID[:subData][@maxDrop]%Probability[,another drop... ]
    ## 100 Probability means will drop each time
    ## if = 50, only means 50% chance of drop, chance of full drop is random
    #drops: 344%10, 288@2%70
    coins: -4
    coins: -5
    #drops: 2256@1%.5, 289@4%80
    coins: 19
    # itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
    #itemCoins: "261>0, 268>3-6"
    #drops: 2256@1%2, 289@5%90
    coins: 73
    # itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
    #itemCoins: "261>0, 268>5-16"
    coins: 37
    coins: 700
    # giant zombie, not very likely to encounter
    # this is a fake human, not likely to occur
    coins: -3
    #drops: 320@2%70, 283%01
    coins: 54-54
    coins: -6
    #drops: 261@1%10, 262@4%80
    coins: 17
    coins: 14
    coins: 11
    coins: -7
    coins: 12
    coins: -100000
    coins: -1000
    coins: -10000
    # this applies if you kill a wolf that is your own
    coins: -1000
    coins: 100
    coins: 45
    coins: 28
    coins: 1000000
    coins: -100
    coins: 22
    coins: -2000
    coins: 15
    coins: -2
    coins: -1000
    coins: -10000
    coins: -10
    coins: -1000
    coins: 100000
    coins: 79
    coins: 1
    coins: 27
    coins: -1300
    coins: 30

    # Colors are specified by using "&[colorcode]".
    # (Never put colors within the angle brackets of a tag)
    # Color table:
    # &0 is black
    # &1 is dark blue
    # &2 is dark green
    # &3 is dark sky blue
    # &4 is red
    # &5 is magenta
    # &6 is gold or amber
    # &7 is light grey
    # &8 is dark grey
    # &9 is medium blue
    # &a is light green
    # &b is cyan
    # &c is orange-red
    # &d is pink
    # &e is yellow
    # &f is white
    # (use && for a & symbol)

    # rewarded for killing a monster:
    # <amount> how much credited to account
    # <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
    # <monster> name of the creature killed
    # <item> what used to kill it
    reward: "&aTu a gagner &b<amount>&a pour avoir tuer &b<monster> &a!"
    rewardpercent: "&aTu as gagner &b<amount>&a pour assistance&b <percent> &ade degats a &b<monster> &a!"
    # if the reward is specific to what the user is holding
    itemreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
    itemrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
    # for killing a player
    playerreward: "&aTu a gagner &b<amount>&a pour avoir tuer &b<player> &a!"
    playerrewardpercent: "&aTu as gagner &b<amount>&a pour assistance&b <percent> &ade degats a &b<player> &a!"
    itemplayerreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the Player &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
    itemplayerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
    # for the victim of the attacks
    victimpay: "&f <player>&c took &f<amount>&c from you when you died"
    victimprotection: "&f <player>&a payed you &f<amount>&a as penalty for killing you"
    # this is for when a reward is withheld for suspected spawn camping
    nocampingreward: "&a No more rewards avaliable for this area.. Try again later"

    # penalized for killing a monster (if coin range is negative)
    # <amount> how much removed from account
    # <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
    # <monster> name of the creature killed
    penalty: "&4Tu a perdu &b<amount>&4 pour avoir tuer &b<monster> &4!"
    # <item> what used to kill it
    itempenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"

    # penalized for killing a player
    # <amount> how much removed from account
    # <player> name of the player killed
    playerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing Player &f<player>"
    # penalized for killing a player within the spawn protection
    # <time> spawn protection time (seconds)
    playercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn protection"
    # <item> what used to kill
    itemplayerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
    itemplayercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"

    # if cannot afford the penalty for killing the entity
    notafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>"
    itemnotafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"

    # if no money rewarded (can be blank for none)
    norewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>"
    # <item> what used to kill it
    itemnorewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
  2. Message cookie monster, 26 Sept 2014
  3. Sony270

    C'est pas dans la config de cookie monster ?

    # general plugin settings
    # if you don't want deciamls ($1.23)
    wholeNumberRewards: false
    # if only direct player kills gives reward (disables mob farming)
    # (this is ignored if on a disabled world or region)
    onlyKillDrop: false
    # if replaceDrop, then default drops are removed & substituted
    # if false, custom drops are added to the existing drops
    replaceDrops: false
    # if onlyKillDrop: false, should custom drops always occur?
    alwaysReplaceDrops: true
    # if allow hunting with wolves
    allowWolfHunt: true
    #disable damage if can't afford to kill? (applies to wolves, too)
    disableExpensiveKill: true
    # any world listed here won't be checked (comma-delimited, case-insensitive)
    disableWorlds: testWorld1, world2, random_world_nether
    # if any regions are defined, should they be disabled regions or the only places cm is enabled?
    # true (default): regions are areas where cm is disabled
    # (however, regions on disabled worlds are reversed & will be enabled)
    # false: cm is globally disabled, except for within regions (disabled worlds ignored)
    regionsDisable: true
    # for how long a player is 'protected' from spawn camping
    # (player kill rewards are nulled)
    playerRewardWait: 1m
    # if a player killed within the playerRewardWait period
    # reward is reversed (in case of positive reward only)
    # eg. player who kills the player pays amount
    playerReverseProtect: true
    # if the players who die pay the killer (assuming has enough)
    playerPaysReward: true
    # optional multiplier for dropped exp
    expMultiplier: 1
    # optionally can reward all player who helped kill a monster
    # will give a % of the potential reward generated for each player
    multipleRewards: true

    #spawn camp tracking occurs when a player kills a monster
    # if enabled, there are no rewards (or drops) after the threshold is passed
    enabled: false
    # if global is enabled, will apply camp tracking to "natural" deaths
    # this would allow monsters to drop items naturally, but disable monster killing machines
    # (player drops are preserved, though, to protect the innocent)
    global: false
    # if suspected camping kills won't drop items
    disableDrops: true
    # if also disabled exp drops
    disableExp: true
    # elevation change max
    deltaY: 5
    # square about center (distance from center to edge)
    deltaX: 20
    # time before a kill is no longer counted against tracking
    # positive integer values only, units being m(inutes) h(hours) d(ays) w(eeks) M(onths) (default: m)
    timeout: 20m
    # max kills in the area before counted as spawn camping
    campKills: 50

    # any LivingEntity listed here can have it's own rewards
    # can give a range for economy reward ( min-max )
    # itemCoins to give custom ranges for individual items (note: durability not supported for items here)
    # can configure custom drops for each (origional drops are replaced with these, so 0%0 would disable rewards)
    # drops syntax: itemID[:subData][@maxDrop]%Probability[,another drop... ]
    ## 100 Probability means will drop each time
    ## if = 50, only means 50% chance of drop, chance of full drop is random
    #drops: 344%10, 288@2%70
    #drops: 2256@1%.5, 289@4%80
    coins: 70-9
    # itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
    #itemCoins: "261>0, 268>3-6"
    #drops: 2256@1%2, 289@5%90
    coins: 2-8
    # itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
    #itemCoins: "261>0, 268>5-16"
    coins: 2-5
    # giant zombie, not very likely to encounter
    # this is a fake human, not likely to occur
    #drops: 320@2%70, 283%01
    coins: 2-3
    #drops: 261@1%10, 262@4%80
    coins: 1-3
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: -1--2
    coins: -5--10
    # this applies if you kill a wolf that is your own
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 100-500
    coins: 0
    coins: 2-4
    coins: 0
    coins: 1-2
    coins: -1--2
    coins: -5--10
    coins: 200
    coins: 700
    coins: 110
    coins: 120
    coins: 90
    coins: -100
    coins: 30

    # Colors are specified by using "&[colorcode]".

    # (Never put colors within the angle brackets of a tag)
    # Color table:
    # &0 is black
    # &1 is dark blue
    # &2 is dark green
    # &3 is dark sky blue
    # &4 is red
    # &5 is magenta
    # &6 is gold or amber
    # &7 is light grey
    # &8 is dark grey
    # &9 is medium blue
    # &a is light green
    # &b is cyan
    # &c is orange-red
    # &d is pink
    # &e is yellow
    # &f is white
    # (use && for a & symbol)

    # rewarded for killing a monster:
    # <amount> how much credited to account
    # <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
    # <monster> name of the creature killed
    # <item> what used to kill it
    reward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer un/une &4<monster>"
    rewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>"
    # if the reward is specific to what the user is holding
    itemreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
    itemrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
    # for killing a player
    playerreward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer &4<player>"
    playerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>"
    itemplayerreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the Player &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
    itemplayerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
    # for the victim of the attacks
    victimpay: "&f <player>&c took &f<amount>&c from you when you died"
    victimprotection: "&f <player>&a payed you &f<amount>&a as penalty for killing you"
    # this is for when a reward is withheld for suspected spawn camping
    nocampingreward: "&a No more rewards avaliable for this area.. Try again later"

    # penalized for killing a monster (if coin range is negative)
    # <amount> how much removed from account
    # <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
    # <monster> name of the creature killed
    penalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>"
    # <item> what used to kill it
    itempenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"

    # penalized for killing a player
    # <amount> how much removed from account
    # <player> name of the player killed
    playerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing Player &f<player>"
    # penalized for killing a player within the spawn protection
    # <time> spawn protection time (seconds)
    playercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn protection"
    # <item> what used to kill
    itemplayerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
    itemplayercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"

    # if cannot afford the penalty for killing the entity
    notafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>"
    itemnotafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"

    # if no money rewarded (can be blank for none)
    norewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>"
    # <item> what used to kill it
    itemnorewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"

  4. Message cookie monster, 24 Sept 2014
  5. Sony270

    Sa marche ! :)
    Merci, bien, j'ai un autre problème pour l'argents, j'ai mis dans la config de cookiemonster 30$ si un joueur tue un joueur il gagne 30$, j'ai testé avec un pote et à chaque-fois que je tue un joueur, sa me fait gagner par exemple 27.37$, 28.07$, 29.69$, j'ai essayer dans la config de mettre 30-30 sa pas marcher et 30 sa marche pas comment faire pour que sa reste que 30$ svp ?

    Ma config :

    # general plugin settings
    # if you don't want deciamls ($1.23)
    wholeNumberRewards: false
    # if only direct player kills gives reward (disables mob farming)
    # (this is ignored if on a disabled world or region)
    onlyKillDrop: false
    # if replaceDrop, then default drops are removed & substituted
    # if false, custom drops are added to the existing drops
    replaceDrops: false
    # if onlyKillDrop: false, should custom drops always occur?
    alwaysReplaceDrops: true
    # if allow hunting with wolves
    allowWolfHunt: true
    #disable damage if can't afford to kill? (applies to wolves, too)
    disableExpensiveKill: true
    # any world listed here won't be checked (comma-delimited, case-insensitive)
    disableWorlds: testWorld1, world2, random_world_nether
    # if any regions are defined, should they be disabled regions or the only places cm is enabled?
    # true (default): regions are areas where cm is disabled
    # (however, regions on disabled worlds are reversed & will be enabled)
    # false: cm is globally disabled, except for within regions (disabled worlds ignored)
    regionsDisable: true
    # for how long a player is 'protected' from spawn camping
    # (player kill rewards are nulled)
    playerRewardWait: 1m
    # if a player killed within the playerRewardWait period
    # reward is reversed (in case of positive reward only)
    # eg. player who kills the player pays amount
    playerReverseProtect: true
    # if the players who die pay the killer (assuming has enough)
    playerPaysReward: true
    # optional multiplier for dropped exp
    expMultiplier: 1
    # optionally can reward all player who helped kill a monster
    # will give a % of the potential reward generated for each player
    multipleRewards: true

    #spawn camp tracking occurs when a player kills a monster
    # if enabled, there are no rewards (or drops) after the threshold is passed
    enabled: false
    # if global is enabled, will apply camp tracking to "natural" deaths
    # this would allow monsters to drop items naturally, but disable monster killing machines
    # (player drops are preserved, though, to protect the innocent)
    global: false
    # if suspected camping kills won't drop items
    disableDrops: true
    # if also disabled exp drops
    disableExp: true
    # elevation change max
    deltaY: 5
    # square about center (distance from center to edge)
    deltaX: 20
    # time before a kill is no longer counted against tracking
    # positive integer values only, units being m(inutes) h(hours) d(ays) w(eeks) M(onths) (default: m)
    timeout: 20m
    # max kills in the area before counted as spawn camping
    campKills: 50

    # any LivingEntity listed here can have it's own rewards
    # can give a range for economy reward ( min-max )
    # itemCoins to give custom ranges for individual items (note: durability not supported for items here)
    # can configure custom drops for each (origional drops are replaced with these, so 0%0 would disable rewards)
    # drops syntax: itemID[:subData][@maxDrop]%Probability[,another drop... ]
    ## 100 Probability means will drop each time
    ## if = 50, only means 50% chance of drop, chance of full drop is random
    #drops: 344%10, 288@2%70
    #drops: 2256@1%.5, 289@4%80
    coins: 70-9
    # itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
    #itemCoins: "261>0, 268>3-6"
    #drops: 2256@1%2, 289@5%90
    coins: 2-8
    # itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
    #itemCoins: "261>0, 268>5-16"
    coins: 2-5
    # giant zombie, not very likely to encounter
    # this is a fake human, not likely to occur
    #drops: 320@2%70, 283%01
    coins: 2-3
    #drops: 261@1%10, 262@4%80
    coins: 1-3
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: -1--2
    coins: -5--10
    # this applies if you kill a wolf that is your own
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 100-500
    coins: 0
    coins: 2-4
    coins: 0
    coins: 1-2
    coins: -1--2
    coins: -5--10
    coins: 200
    coins: 700
    coins: 110
    coins: 120
    coins: 90
    coins: -100
    coins: 30

    # Colors are specified by using "&[colorcode]".
    # (Never put colors within the angle brackets of a tag)
    # Color table:
    # &0 is black
    # &1 is dark blue
    # &2 is dark green
    # &3 is dark sky blue
    # &4 is red
    # &5 is magenta
    # &6 is gold or amber
    # &7 is light grey
    # &8 is dark grey
    # &9 is medium blue
    # &a is light green
    # &b is cyan
    # &c is orange-red
    # &d is pink
    # &e is yellow
    # &f is white
    # (use && for a & symbol)

    # rewarded for killing a monster:
    # <amount> how much credited to account
    # <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
    # <monster> name of the creature killed
    # <item> what used to kill it
    reward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer un/une &4<monster>"
    rewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>"
    # if the reward is specific to what the user is holding
    itemreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
    itemrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
    # for killing a player
    playerreward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer &4<player>"
    playerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>"
    itemplayerreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the Player &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
    itemplayerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
    # for the victim of the attacks
    victimpay: "&f <player>&c took &f<amount>&c from you when you died"
    victimprotection: "&f <player>&a payed you &f<amount>&a as penalty for killing you"
    # this is for when a reward is withheld for suspected spawn camping
    nocampingreward: "&a No more rewards avaliable for this area.. Try again later"

    # penalized for killing a monster (if coin range is negative)
    # <amount> how much removed from account
    # <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
    # <monster> name of the creature killed
    penalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>"
    # <item> what used to kill it
    itempenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"

    # penalized for killing a player
    # <amount> how much removed from account
    # <player> name of the player killed
    playerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing Player &f<player>"
    # penalized for killing a player within the spawn protection
    # <time> spawn protection time (seconds)
    playercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn protection"
    # <item> what used to kill
    itemplayerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
    itemplayercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"

    # if cannot afford the penalty for killing the entity
    notafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>"
    itemnotafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"

    # if no money rewarded (can be blank for none)
    norewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>"
    # <item> what used to kill it
    itemnorewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
  6. Message cookie monster, 23 Sept 2014
  7. Sony270

    La voilà ma config.

    # general plugin settings
    # if you don't want deciamls ($1.23)
    wholeNumberRewards: false
    # if only direct player kills gives reward (disables mob farming)
    # (this is ignored if on a disabled world or region)
    onlyKillDrop: false
    # if replaceDrop, then default drops are removed & substituted
    # if false, custom drops are added to the existing drops
    replaceDrops: false
    # if onlyKillDrop: false, should custom drops always occur?
    alwaysReplaceDrops: true
    # if allow hunting with wolves
    allowWolfHunt: true
    #disable damage if can't afford to kill? (applies to wolves, too)
    disableExpensiveKill: true
    # any world listed here won't be checked (comma-delimited, case-insensitive)
    disableWorlds: testWorld1, world2, random_world_nether
    # if any regions are defined, should they be disabled regions or the only places cm is enabled?
    # true (default): regions are areas where cm is disabled
    # (however, regions on disabled worlds are reversed & will be enabled)
    # false: cm is globally disabled, except for within regions (disabled worlds ignored)
    regionsDisable: true
    # for how long a player is 'protected' from spawn camping
    # (player kill rewards are nulled)
    playerRewardWait: 1m
    # if a player killed within the playerRewardWait period
    # reward is reversed (in case of positive reward only)
    # eg. player who kills the player pays amount
    playerReverseProtect: true
    # if the players who die pay the killer (assuming has enough)
    playerPaysReward: true
    # optional multiplier for dropped exp
    expMultiplier: 1
    # optionally can reward all player who helped kill a monster
    # will give a % of the potential reward generated for each player
    multipleRewards: true

    #spawn camp tracking occurs when a player kills a monster
    # if enabled, there are no rewards (or drops) after the threshold is passed
    enabled: false
    # if global is enabled, will apply camp tracking to "natural" deaths
    # this would allow monsters to drop items naturally, but disable monster killing machines
    # (player drops are preserved, though, to protect the innocent)
    global: false
    # if suspected camping kills won't drop items
    disableDrops: true
    # if also disabled exp drops
    disableExp: true
    # elevation change max
    deltaY: 5
    # square about center (distance from center to edge)
    deltaX: 20
    # time before a kill is no longer counted against tracking
    # positive integer values only, units being m(inutes) h(hours) d(ays) w(eeks) M(onths) (default: m)
    timeout: 20m
    # max kills in the area before counted as spawn camping
    campKills: 50

    # any LivingEntity listed here can have it's own rewards
    # can give a range for economy reward ( min-max )
    # itemCoins to give custom ranges for individual items (note: durability not supported for items here)
    # can configure custom drops for each (origional drops are replaced with these, so 0%0 would disable rewards)
    # drops syntax: itemID[:subData][@maxDrop]%Probability[,another drop... ]
    ## 100 Probability means will drop each time
    ## if = 50, only means 50% chance of drop, chance of full drop is random
    #drops: 344%10, 288@2%70
    #drops: 2256@1%.5, 289@4%80
    coins: 70-9
    # itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
    #itemCoins: "261>0, 268>3-6"
    #drops: 2256@1%2, 289@5%90
    coins: 2-8
    # itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
    #itemCoins: "261>0, 268>5-16"
    coins: 2-5
    # giant zombie, not very likely to encounter
    # this is a fake human, not likely to occur
    #drops: 320@2%70, 283%01
    coins: 2-3
    #drops: 261@1%10, 262@4%80
    coins: 1-3
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: -1--2
    coins: -5--10
    # this applies if you kill a wolf that is your own
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 1-2
    coins: 100-500
    coins: 0
    coins: 2-4
    coins: 0
    coins: 1-2
    coins: -1--2
    coins: -5--10
    coins: 200
    coins: 700
    coins: 110
    coins: 120
    coins: 90
    coins: -100
    coins: 30

    # Colors are specified by using "&[colorcode]".
    # (Never put colors within the angle brackets of a tag)
    # Color table:
    # &0 is black
    # &1 is dark blue
    # &2 is dark green
    # &3 is dark sky blue
    # &4 is red
    # &5 is magenta
    # &6 is gold or amber
    # &7 is light grey
    # &8 is dark grey
    # &9 is medium blue
    # &a is light green
    # &b is cyan
    # &c is orange-red
    # &d is pink
    # &e is yellow
    # &f is white
    # (use && for a & symbol)

    # rewarded for killing a monster:
    # <amount> how much credited to account
    # <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
    # <monster> name of the creature killed
    # <item> what used to kill it
    reward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer un/une &4<monster>"
    rewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>"
    # if the reward is specific to what the user is holding
    itemreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
    itemrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
    # for killing a player
    playerreward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer &4<player>"
    playerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>"
    itemplayerreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the Player &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
    itemplayerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
    # for the victim of the attacks
    victimpay: "&f <player>&c took &f<amount>&c from you when you died"
    victimprotection: "&f <player>&a payed you &f<amount>&a as penalty for killing you"
    # this is for when a reward is withheld for suspected spawn camping
    nocampingreward: "&a No more rewards avaliable for this area.. Try again later"

    # penalized for killing a monster (if coin range is negative)
    # <amount> how much removed from account
    # <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
    # <monster> name of the creature killed
    penalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>"
    # <item> what used to kill it
    itempenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"

    # penalized for killing a player
    # <amount> how much removed from account
    # <player> name of the player killed
    playerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing Player &f<player>"
    # penalized for killing a player within the spawn protection
    # <time> spawn protection time (seconds)
    playercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn protection"
    # <item> what used to kill
    itemplayerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
    itemplayercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"

    # if cannot afford the penalty for killing the entity
    notafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>"
    itemnotafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"

    # if no money rewarded (can be blank for none)
    norewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>"
    # <item> what used to kill it
    itemnorewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"