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Problème connetion Serveur

Discussion dans 'Serveurs' créé par Minecrafter, 12 Nov 2013.

  1. Minecrafter

    Minecrafter Bûcheron

    27 Juil 2011
    J'ai mon serveur sous MCPC+ qui ne fonctionne plus depuis tout a l'heure...Je n'arrive a me connecter que avec mon adresse IP local (ou

    Hier encore mon serveur fonctionnais parfaitement...
    Voici les logs (Ignorer l'erreur MCCore sa me le fait souvent...)

    Code (cpp):
    2013-11-12 19:30:21 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.6.4
    2013-11-12 19:30:21 [INFO] MinecraftForge v
    2013-11-12 19:30:21 [INFO]
    2013-11-12 19:30:21 [INFO]  Initialized
    2013-11-12 19:30:21 [INFO] Replaced 112 ore recipies
    2013-11-12 19:30:26 [INFO] Loading properties
    2013-11-12 19:30:26 [INFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL
    2013-11-12 19:30:27 [INFO] This server is running MCPC+ version git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-127 (MC: 1.6.4) (Implementing API version 1.6.4-R2.0-SNAPSHOT)
    2013-11-12 19:30:27 [INFO] Generating keypair
    2013-11-12 19:30:27 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    2013-11-12 19:30:28 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
    2013-11-12 19:30:28 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
    2013-11-12 19:30:28 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file.
    2013-11-12 19:30:28 [INFO] Day Z {8.8} Loaded.
    2013-11-12 19:30:28 [INFO] Make sure your server.properties has one of the lines to create a DayZ world.
    2013-11-12 19:30:28 [INFO] level-type=DAYZBASE            -          To create the original DayZ world.
    2013-11-12 19:30:28 [INFO] level-type=DAYZSNOW            -                  To create snowy DayZ world.
    2013-11-12 19:30:29 [INFO] Mapping loaded 4 packages, 8495 classes, 28815 fields, 56825 methods, flags 1fdd6
    2013-11-12 19:30:29 [INFO] Loaded inheritance map of 792 classes
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] [TuxTwoLib] Loading TuxTwoLib v1.6.4-b3
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] [mcore] Loading mcore v6.8.1
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] [Vault] Loading Vault v1.2.27-b349
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v5.5.8
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v2.4-b527
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] [AutoSaveWorld] Loading AutoSaveWorld v4.1
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loading WorldGuard v5.8
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] [CreativeGates] Loading CreativeGates v2.2.0
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.12.1
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat v2.12.1
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.12.1
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 25 Forest at BiomeBase[25]
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 26 Plains at BiomeBase[26]
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 27 DayZ River at BiomeBase[27]
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 28 Snow Plains at BiomeBase[28]
    2013-11-12 19:30:31 [INFO] Adding biome mapping 29 Snow Mountains at BiomeBase[29]
    2013-11-12 19:30:32 [INFO] [mcore] Enabling mcore v6.8.1
    2013-11-12 19:30:32 [INFO] [mcore 6.8.1] === ENABLE START ===
    2013-11-12 19:30:32 [INFO] [mcore 6.8.1] Setup of SenderIdMixinDefault took 30ms.
    2013-11-12 19:30:32 [INFO] [mcore 6.8.1] === ENABLE COMPLETE (Took 397ms) ===
    2013-11-12 19:30:32 [INFO] [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.2.27-b349
    2013-11-12 19:30:32 [INFO] [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
    2013-11-12 19:30:32 [INFO] [Vault][Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
    2013-11-12 19:30:33 [INFO] [Vault] Enabled Version 1.2.27-b349
    2013-11-12 19:30:33 [INFO] [mcore 6.8.1] Activated integration with Vault
    2013-11-12 19:30:33 [INFO] [AutoSaveWorld] Enabling AutoSaveWorld v4.1
    2013-11-12 19:30:33 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    2013-11-12 19:30:33 [INFO] Registered command debug with permission node vanilla.command.debug
    2013-11-12 19:30:33 [INFO] Registered command spreadplayers with permission node vanilla.command.spreadplayers
    2013-11-12 19:30:33 [INFO] Registered command playsound with permission node vanilla.command.playsound
    2013-11-12 19:30:33 [INFO] Registered command scoreboard with permission node vanilla.command.scoreboard
    2013-11-12 19:30:34 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Dimension: 0, Seed: 202961)
    2013-11-12 19:30:34 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Dimension: 1, Seed: 7076152536219918360)
    2013-11-12 19:30:35 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Dimension: -1, Seed: 7076152536219918360)
    2013-11-12 19:30:35 [INFO] [TuxTwoLib] Enabling TuxTwoLib v1.6.4-b3
    2013-11-12 19:30:36 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v5.5.8
    2013-11-12 19:30:36 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Default configuration file written: config.yml
    2013-11-12 19:30:36 [INFO] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v2.4-b527
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] - Version 2.4-b527 (API v14) Enabled - By Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [AllPay] - Version 10.0 - hooked into Essentials Economy for Multiverse-Core v2.4-b527
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - 'world' - Env: NORMAL - Type: NORMAL & seed: 202961
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - 'DIM1' - Env: THE_END - Type: NORMAL & seed: 7076152536219918360
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - 'DIM-1' - Env: NETHER - Type: NORMAL & seed: 7076152536219918360
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - 'world' - Env: NORMAL - Type: NORMAL & seed: 202961
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - 'DIM1' - Env: THE_END - Type: NORMAL & seed: 7076152536219918360
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - 'DIM-1' - Env: NETHER - Type: NORMAL & seed: 7076152536219918360
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] 3 - World(s) loaded.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v5.8
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Default configuration file written: C:\Users\Luca\Desktop\Serveur Minecraft\minecraft_cb\plugins\WorldGuard\worlds\world\config.yml
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Default configuration file written: C:\Users\Luca\Desktop\Serveur Minecraft\minecraft_cb\plugins\WorldGuard\worlds\world\blacklist.txt
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) Lava fire is blocked.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (world) All fire spread is disabled.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world'
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Default configuration file written: C:\Users\Luca\Desktop\Serveur Minecraft\minecraft_cb\plugins\WorldGuard\worlds\DIM1\config.yml
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Default configuration file written: C:\Users\Luca\Desktop\Serveur Minecraft\minecraft_cb\plugins\WorldGuard\worlds\DIM1\blacklist.txt
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM1) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM1) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM1) Lava fire is blocked.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM1) All fire spread is disabled.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'DIM1'
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Default configuration file written: C:\Users\Luca\Desktop\Serveur Minecraft\minecraft_cb\plugins\WorldGuard\worlds\DIM-1\config.yml
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Default configuration file written: C:\Users\Luca\Desktop\Serveur Minecraft\minecraft_cb\plugins\WorldGuard\worlds\DIM-1\blacklist.txt
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-1) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-1) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-1) Lava fire is blocked.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] (DIM-1) All fire spread is disabled.
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'DIM-1'
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'world'
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'DIM1'
    2013-11-12 19:30:37 [INFO] [WorldGuard] 0 regions loaded for 'DIM-1''a pas été vérifiée.
    2013-11-12 19:30:38 [INFO] git-MCPC-Plus-jenkins-MCPC-Plus-127 (MC: 1.6.4)
    2013-11-12 19:30:38 [INFO] 1.6.4-R2.0-SNAPSHOT
    2013-11-12 19:30:38 [INFO] [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
    2013-11-12 19:30:38 [INFO] Essentials: Using config file enhanced permissions.
    2013-11-12 19:30:38 [INFO] Permissions listed in as player-commands will be given to all users.
    2013-11-12 19:30:38 [INFO] [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat v2.12.1
    2013-11-12 19:30:38 [INFO] [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.12.1
    2013-11-12 19:30:38 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    2013-11-12 19:30:39 [INFO] Done (10,598s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2013-11-12 19:30:39 [INFO] Starting GS4 status listener
    2013-11-12 19:30:39 [INFO] Setting default query port to 25565
    2013-11-12 19:30:39 [INFO] Query running on
    2013-11-12 19:30:39 [INFO] Registered command forge with permission node net.minecraftforge.server.command.ForgeCommand
    Merci d'avance !
  2. robin4002

    robin4002 Support Technique

    17 Août 2012
    5 478
    localhost = et non
  3. Minecrafter

    Minecrafter Bûcheron

    27 Juil 2011
    Je sais justement, sa marche sur les deux ! oO
    J'ai essayer car c'est marquer a cet ligne :

    Code (cpp):
    2013-11-12 19:30:39 [INFO] Query running on

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