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Bug avec le nouveau launcher !

Discussion dans 'Autres' créé par Dishark, 8 Fev 2017.

  1. Dishark

    Dishark Nouveau

    1 Nov 2016

    Il y a peu Mojang a fait un nouveau launcher
    Et maintenant je ne peux pas lancer 2 minecraft en même temps
    Je reçoit un message comme quoi mes saves pourraient être endommagées ?!

    J'aimerai savoir si vous connaissez une astuce pour en lancer 2 comme avant sans risque de corruption ou je ne sais quoi ?

    Merci d'avance !

    Ps: Pour les curieux j'ai besoin de lancer 2 minecraft car je fais du map making et j'ai une map test et la map principal. Je peux donc tester puis reprendre les emplacements et faire du copier coller pour les CB !
  2. micka66

    micka66 Nouveau

    10 Fev 2017
    Bonjour dsl je peux pas te repondre mais j'ai un probleme aussi avec le nouveaux lancheur il veux pas me lancer minecraft avec forge vous auriez une solution a me donnée svp
  3. DRAWMINE_27

    DRAWMINE_27 Nouveau

    11 Fev 2017
    hey Dishark j'ai eu le meme pb que toi enfait avec le nouveau launcher il te propose plusieur chose a droite en bas sur la fleche tu choisis celui que tu veux et dans ton .minecraft il y a des images je site : texture 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 eh bah tu les enleve de ton .minecraft du moins sors les de ton fichier .minecraft et la relance le launcher et la ca fonctionne perso moi ca marche

    de rien si ca t'a servi
    #3 DRAWMINE_27, 11 Fev 2017
    Dernière édition: 11 Fev 2017
  4. Calambiel

    Calambiel Résident de l'End

    5 Août 2014
    6 594
    Je déplace dans Support>Autres.

    Il n'y a aucune raison que deux instances sur deux mondes différents créent des corruptions, ce contre quoi le message met en garde de manière un peu "décourageante" c'est le risque de corruption d'une save d'une monde si deux instances essaient d'y écrire en même temps. Risque qui n'existe pas avec un monde ouvert au LAN et que deux joueurs différents rejoignent car un seul fait office de "serveur".

    Le nouveau launcher lance très bien minecraft forge, le système de profils n'a pas changé, juste le mode de sélection.
  5. Nicko.rmo

    Nicko.rmo Enter the World

    22 Jan 2017
    moi sa me met ça:

    Code (cpp):
    0" style="cursor: pointer; padding: 2px 4px; float: right; margin: 3px; box-shadow: none; opacity: 1; background-color: rgb(238, 233, 224); font-style: italic; border: 1px solid rgb(85, 85, 85);">3472 debugs
    style="cursor: pointer; padding: 2px 4px; float: right; margin: 3px; box-shadow: none; opacity: 1; background-color: rgb(251, 251, 251); border: 1px solid rgb(85, 85, 85);">9 infos
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing mt_MT.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for ms_MY.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for mt_MT.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\f8/f84e466a27c807b2c0e56f9a827aa555222379a4 has filesize of 12402 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing nds_DE.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\7d/7dee19db3bdf9d60790e2ae923f3549b933acdd8 has filesize of 12620 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing nl_NL.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for nds_DE.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for nl_NL.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\f6/f6df0fe0ca6e659a16f2a077fa333c7797f4ad1a has filesize of 6521 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\97/97941df27ee3a53ab33820b4cad6c7cd4f1259d7 has filesize of 12415 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing nn_NO.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing no_NO.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for nn_NO.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for no_NO.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\a5/a57d8de4b54cd1797295a5a0acc6e08acd158058 has filesize of 7908 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\00/00e1c6c68c2c99b5d6cd2f3ccd804e70f698652d has filesize of 12109 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing oc_FR.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing pl_PL.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for oc_FR.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for pl_PL.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\a1/a149b71bbff30bbbfe8a1336fe40d8c678f85d9a has filesize of 7929 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\f8/f86234bbfa7266e95c9374e64d6bb869cd8842f3 has filesize of 12490 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing pt_BR.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing pt_PT.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for pt_PT.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for pt_BR.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\61/61739da5d2400c95047948a2676c19512e4caa84 has filesize of 12330 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing qya_AA.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\54/546c2a16b1c44a1678f0f4720c89bda0b4210a46 has filesize of 12212 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing ro_RO.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for qya_AA.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for ro_RO.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\0c/0c437a3d42c7a143e734bc84c5ffc7b454e92764 has filesize of 617 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing ru_RU.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\a5/a532361abe223970e8189398cbaabdb7a58544cf has filesize of 12453 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing se_NO.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for ru_RU.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\c0/c09603586d6ccf48e514a71fbc97d79dabfcd52f has filesize of 16424 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for se_NO.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing sk_SK.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\32/32c516eb48eaa7d99eed6d6b852caf14e354d825 has filesize of 6099 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for sk_SK.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing sl_SI.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\81/811dccaa29f1899523f3db7c0c8c82101667ff3f has filesize of 12347 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing so_SO.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for sl_SI.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\00/0033dfc9e1ff6814d8e7363071b96bf1a3f5e2be has filesize of 12009 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for so_SO.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing sq_AL.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\73/734f8cf068872d3d2b1e69e7333853a6d83e5ee8 has filesize of 4293 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for sq_AL.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing sr_SP.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\92/92d9b287736a407734ca0063997b4cc3bf134e74 has filesize of 1567 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for sr_SP.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing sv_SE.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for sv_SE.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\38/38c9792cb035af77ee66f62b395940219873fec3 has filesize of 14070 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing swg_de.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\9d/9d8cb7b70edc3bea7ef2bcf4ad3f390d08a54afd has filesize of 12250 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing th_TH.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for th_TH.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for swg_de.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\0b/0bc71ba6083bad6925c0fe7f77ea0b2f3e7f34ea has filesize of 19897 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing tlh_AA.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\cf/cf642c81ed78fa5c4800ea15d6951370e9b27c6a has filesize of 761 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing tr_TR.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for tlh_AA.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\aa/aa97ac3f7bc13a9ac4057fdaa9186cf5fa8264f4 has filesize of 2669 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for tr_TR.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing tzl_TZL.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\dc/dc3a523fb82af9796cb1a8b8a50e502baaa0d188 has filesize of 12563 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for tzl_TZL.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing uk_UA.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\0f/0f4f7231b987c176ed77a8eb0c6d372f72cf2123 has filesize of 1002 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing val_ES.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for uk_UA.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for val_ES.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\bb/bb228500914fc80c407703076305ff1f42acc2e6 has filesize of 16229 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\2c/2c175798e16b174476541e8227769081c387dafc has filesize of 12399 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing vi_VN.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing zh_CN.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for vi_VN.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for zh_CN.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\52/52e91cd6f1f4744674e897cae61b4367e93310eb has filesize of 14448 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\3a/3a8986e3bf925bf02cf25b23e401c9eadd390fe7 has filesize of 11550 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Preparing zh_TW.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Got local file for zh_TW.lang
    12:14:01 launcher Local file C:/Users\home\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets\objects\6b/6b6588068d07016f2707f67ae3db7fb0eb3de1e4 has filesize of 11651 bytes
    12:14:01 launcher Checking installations.
    12:14:01 launcher Minecraft client 1.10.2 is ready to start.
    12:14:01 launcher Starting!
    12:14:01 launcher Nothing to download!
    12:14:01 launcher Extracting 2 files!
    12:14:01 launcher Using default game log configuration client-1.7.xml (outputs XML)
    12:14:01 launcher Installing versions!
    12:14:03 bcx Setting user: Player
    12:14:04 bcx LWJGL Version: 2.9.4
    12:14:06 launcher Process closed with exit code -1073740791
    12:14:06 launcher
    #5 Nicko.rmo, 12 Fev 2017
    Dernière édition par un modérateur: 12 Fev 2017

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