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Ma config :
# general plugin settings
# if you don't want deciamls ($1.23)
wholeNumberRewards: false
# if only direct player kills gives reward (disables mob farming)
# (this is ignored if on a disabled world or region)
onlyKillDrop: false
# if replaceDrop, then default drops are removed & substituted
# if false, custom drops are added to the existing drops
replaceDrops: false
# if onlyKillDrop: false, should custom drops always occur?
alwaysReplaceDrops: true
# if allow hunting with wolves
allowWolfHunt: true
#disable damage if can't afford to kill? (applies to wolves, too)
disableExpensiveKill: true
# any world listed here won't be checked (comma-delimited, case-insensitive)
disableWorlds: testWorld1, world2, random_world_nether
# if any regions are defined, should they be disabled regions or the only places cm is enabled?
# true (default): regions are areas where cm is disabled
# (however, regions on disabled worlds are reversed & will be enabled)
# false: cm is globally disabled, except for within regions (disabled worlds ignored)
regionsDisable: true
# for how long a player is 'protected' from spawn camping
# (player kill rewards are nulled)
playerRewardWait: 1m
# if a player killed within the playerRewardWait period
# reward is reversed (in case of positive reward only)
# eg. player who kills the player pays amount
playerReverseProtect: false
# if the players who die pay the killer (assuming has enough)
playerPaysReward: false
# optional multiplier for dropped exp
expMultiplier: 1
# optionally can reward all player who helped kill a monster
# will give a % of the potential reward generated for each player
multipleRewards: true
#spawn camp tracking occurs when a player kills a monster
# if enabled, there are no rewards (or drops) after the threshold is passed
enabled: false
# if global is enabled, will apply camp tracking to "natural" deaths
# this would allow monsters to drop items naturally, but disable monster killing machines
# (player drops are preserved, though, to protect the innocent)
global: false
# if suspected camping kills won't drop items
disableDrops: true
# if also disabled exp drops
disableExp: true
# elevation change max
deltaY: 5
# square about center (distance from center to edge)
deltaX: 20
# time before a kill is no longer counted against tracking
# positive integer values only, units being m(inutes) h(hours) d(ays) w(eeks) M(onths) (default: m)
timeout: 20m
# max kills in the area before counted as spawn camping
campKills: 50
# any LivingEntity listed here can have it's own rewards
# can give a range for economy reward ( min-max )
# itemCoins to give custom ranges for individual items (note: durability not supported for items here)
# can configure custom drops for each (origional drops are replaced with these, so 0%0 would disable rewards)
# drops syntax: itemID[:subData][@maxDrop]%Probability[,another drop... ]
## 100 Probability means will drop each time
## if = 50, only means 50% chance of drop, chance of full drop is random
#drops: 344%10, 288@2%70
coins: -4
coins: -5
#drops: 2256@1%.5, 289@4%80
coins: 19
# itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
#itemCoins: "261>0, 268>3-6"
#drops: 2256@1%2, 289@5%90
coins: 73
# itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
#itemCoins: "261>0, 268>5-16"
coins: 37
coins: 700
# giant zombie, not very likely to encounter
# this is a fake human, not likely to occur
coins: -3
#drops: 320@2%70, 283%01
coins: 54-54
coins: -6
#drops: 261@1%10, 262@4%80
coins: 17
coins: 14
coins: 11
coins: -7
coins: 12
coins: -100000
coins: -1000
coins: -10000
# this applies if you kill a wolf that is your own
coins: -1000
coins: 100
coins: 45
coins: 28
coins: 1000000
coins: -100
coins: 22
coins: -2000
coins: 15
coins: -2
coins: -1000
coins: -10000
coins: -10
coins: -1000
coins: 100000
coins: 79
coins: 1
coins: 27
coins: -1300
coins: 30
# Colors are specified by using "&[colorcode]".
# (Never put colors within the angle brackets of a tag)
# Color table:
# &0 is black
# &1 is dark blue
# &2 is dark green
# &3 is dark sky blue
# &4 is red
# &5 is magenta
# &6 is gold or amber
# &7 is light grey
# &8 is dark grey
# &9 is medium blue
# &a is light green
# &b is cyan
# &c is orange-red
# &d is pink
# &e is yellow
# &f is white
# (use && for a & symbol)
# rewarded for killing a monster:
# <amount> how much credited to account
# <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
# <monster> name of the creature killed
# <item> what used to kill it
reward: "&aTu a gagner &b<amount>&a pour avoir tuer &b<monster> &a!"
rewardpercent: "&aTu as gagner &b<amount>&a pour assistance&b <percent> &ade degats a &b<monster> &a!"
# if the reward is specific to what the user is holding
itemreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
itemrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
# for killing a player
playerreward: "&aTu a gagner &b<amount>&a pour avoir tuer &b<player> &a!"
playerrewardpercent: "&aTu as gagner &b<amount>&a pour assistance&b <percent> &ade degats a &b<player> &a!"
itemplayerreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the Player &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
itemplayerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
# for the victim of the attacks
victimpay: "&f <player>&c took &f<amount>&c from you when you died"
victimprotection: "&f <player>&a payed you &f<amount>&a as penalty for killing you"
# this is for when a reward is withheld for suspected spawn camping
nocampingreward: "&a No more rewards avaliable for this area.. Try again later"
# penalized for killing a monster (if coin range is negative)
# <amount> how much removed from account
# <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
# <monster> name of the creature killed
penalty: "&4Tu a perdu &b<amount>&4 pour avoir tuer &b<monster> &4!"
# <item> what used to kill it
itempenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
# penalized for killing a player
# <amount> how much removed from account
# <player> name of the player killed
playerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing Player &f<player>"
# penalized for killing a player within the spawn protection
# <time> spawn protection time (seconds)
playercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn protection"
# <item> what used to kill
itemplayerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
itemplayercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
# if cannot afford the penalty for killing the entity
notafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>"
itemnotafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
# if no money rewarded (can be blank for none)
norewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>"
# <item> what used to kill it
itemnorewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
itemnorewardPlayer: -
C'est pas dans la config de cookie monster ?
# general plugin settings
# if you don't want deciamls ($1.23)
wholeNumberRewards: false
# if only direct player kills gives reward (disables mob farming)
# (this is ignored if on a disabled world or region)
onlyKillDrop: false
# if replaceDrop, then default drops are removed & substituted
# if false, custom drops are added to the existing drops
replaceDrops: false
# if onlyKillDrop: false, should custom drops always occur?
alwaysReplaceDrops: true
# if allow hunting with wolves
allowWolfHunt: true
#disable damage if can't afford to kill? (applies to wolves, too)
disableExpensiveKill: true
# any world listed here won't be checked (comma-delimited, case-insensitive)
disableWorlds: testWorld1, world2, random_world_nether
# if any regions are defined, should they be disabled regions or the only places cm is enabled?
# true (default): regions are areas where cm is disabled
# (however, regions on disabled worlds are reversed & will be enabled)
# false: cm is globally disabled, except for within regions (disabled worlds ignored)
regionsDisable: true
# for how long a player is 'protected' from spawn camping
# (player kill rewards are nulled)
playerRewardWait: 1m
# if a player killed within the playerRewardWait period
# reward is reversed (in case of positive reward only)
# eg. player who kills the player pays amount
playerReverseProtect: true
# if the players who die pay the killer (assuming has enough)
playerPaysReward: true
# optional multiplier for dropped exp
expMultiplier: 1
# optionally can reward all player who helped kill a monster
# will give a % of the potential reward generated for each player
multipleRewards: true
#spawn camp tracking occurs when a player kills a monster
# if enabled, there are no rewards (or drops) after the threshold is passed
enabled: false
# if global is enabled, will apply camp tracking to "natural" deaths
# this would allow monsters to drop items naturally, but disable monster killing machines
# (player drops are preserved, though, to protect the innocent)
global: false
# if suspected camping kills won't drop items
disableDrops: true
# if also disabled exp drops
disableExp: true
# elevation change max
deltaY: 5
# square about center (distance from center to edge)
deltaX: 20
# time before a kill is no longer counted against tracking
# positive integer values only, units being m(inutes) h(hours) d(ays) w(eeks) M(onths) (default: m)
timeout: 20m
# max kills in the area before counted as spawn camping
campKills: 50
# any LivingEntity listed here can have it's own rewards
# can give a range for economy reward ( min-max )
# itemCoins to give custom ranges for individual items (note: durability not supported for items here)
# can configure custom drops for each (origional drops are replaced with these, so 0%0 would disable rewards)
# drops syntax: itemID[:subData][@maxDrop]%Probability[,another drop... ]
## 100 Probability means will drop each time
## if = 50, only means 50% chance of drop, chance of full drop is random
#drops: 344%10, 288@2%70
#drops: 2256@1%.5, 289@4%80
coins: 70-9
# itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
#itemCoins: "261>0, 268>3-6"
#drops: 2256@1%2, 289@5%90
coins: 2-8
# itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
#itemCoins: "261>0, 268>5-16"
coins: 2-5
# giant zombie, not very likely to encounter
# this is a fake human, not likely to occur
#drops: 320@2%70, 283%01
coins: 2-3
#drops: 261@1%10, 262@4%80
coins: 1-3
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: -1--2
coins: -5--10
# this applies if you kill a wolf that is your own
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: 100-500
coins: 0
coins: 2-4
coins: 0
coins: 1-2
coins: -1--2
coins: -5--10
coins: 200
coins: 700
coins: 110
coins: 120
coins: 90
coins: -100
coins: 30
# Colors are specified by using "&[colorcode]".
# (Never put colors within the angle brackets of a tag)
# Color table:
# &0 is black
# &1 is dark blue
# &2 is dark green
# &3 is dark sky blue
# &4 is red
# &5 is magenta
# &6 is gold or amber
# &7 is light grey
# &8 is dark grey
# &9 is medium blue
# &a is light green
# &b is cyan
# &c is orange-red
# &d is pink
# &e is yellow
# &f is white
# (use && for a & symbol)
# rewarded for killing a monster:
# <amount> how much credited to account
# <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
# <monster> name of the creature killed
# <item> what used to kill it
reward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer un/une &4<monster>"
rewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>"
# if the reward is specific to what the user is holding
itemreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
itemrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
# for killing a player
playerreward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer &4<player>"
playerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>"
itemplayerreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the Player &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
itemplayerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
# for the victim of the attacks
victimpay: "&f <player>&c took &f<amount>&c from you when you died"
victimprotection: "&f <player>&a payed you &f<amount>&a as penalty for killing you"
# this is for when a reward is withheld for suspected spawn camping
nocampingreward: "&a No more rewards avaliable for this area.. Try again later"
# penalized for killing a monster (if coin range is negative)
# <amount> how much removed from account
# <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
# <monster> name of the creature killed
penalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>"
# <item> what used to kill it
itempenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
# penalized for killing a player
# <amount> how much removed from account
# <player> name of the player killed
playerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing Player &f<player>"
# penalized for killing a player within the spawn protection
# <time> spawn protection time (seconds)
playercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn protection"
# <item> what used to kill
itemplayerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
itemplayercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
# if cannot afford the penalty for killing the entity
notafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>"
itemnotafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
# if no money rewarded (can be blank for none)
norewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>"
# <item> what used to kill it
itemnorewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
Sa marche ! :)
Merci, bien, j'ai un autre problème pour l'argents, j'ai mis dans la config de cookiemonster 30$ si un joueur tue un joueur il gagne 30$, j'ai testé avec un pote et à chaque-fois que je tue un joueur, sa me fait gagner par exemple 27.37$, 28.07$, 29.69$, j'ai essayer dans la config de mettre 30-30 sa pas marcher et 30 sa marche pas comment faire pour que sa reste que 30$ svp ?
Ma config :
# general plugin settings
# if you don't want deciamls ($1.23)
wholeNumberRewards: false
# if only direct player kills gives reward (disables mob farming)
# (this is ignored if on a disabled world or region)
onlyKillDrop: false
# if replaceDrop, then default drops are removed & substituted
# if false, custom drops are added to the existing drops
replaceDrops: false
# if onlyKillDrop: false, should custom drops always occur?
alwaysReplaceDrops: true
# if allow hunting with wolves
allowWolfHunt: true
#disable damage if can't afford to kill? (applies to wolves, too)
disableExpensiveKill: true
# any world listed here won't be checked (comma-delimited, case-insensitive)
disableWorlds: testWorld1, world2, random_world_nether
# if any regions are defined, should they be disabled regions or the only places cm is enabled?
# true (default): regions are areas where cm is disabled
# (however, regions on disabled worlds are reversed & will be enabled)
# false: cm is globally disabled, except for within regions (disabled worlds ignored)
regionsDisable: true
# for how long a player is 'protected' from spawn camping
# (player kill rewards are nulled)
playerRewardWait: 1m
# if a player killed within the playerRewardWait period
# reward is reversed (in case of positive reward only)
# eg. player who kills the player pays amount
playerReverseProtect: true
# if the players who die pay the killer (assuming has enough)
playerPaysReward: true
# optional multiplier for dropped exp
expMultiplier: 1
# optionally can reward all player who helped kill a monster
# will give a % of the potential reward generated for each player
multipleRewards: true
#spawn camp tracking occurs when a player kills a monster
# if enabled, there are no rewards (or drops) after the threshold is passed
enabled: false
# if global is enabled, will apply camp tracking to "natural" deaths
# this would allow monsters to drop items naturally, but disable monster killing machines
# (player drops are preserved, though, to protect the innocent)
global: false
# if suspected camping kills won't drop items
disableDrops: true
# if also disabled exp drops
disableExp: true
# elevation change max
deltaY: 5
# square about center (distance from center to edge)
deltaX: 20
# time before a kill is no longer counted against tracking
# positive integer values only, units being m(inutes) h(hours) d(ays) w(eeks) M(onths) (default: m)
timeout: 20m
# max kills in the area before counted as spawn camping
campKills: 50
# any LivingEntity listed here can have it's own rewards
# can give a range for economy reward ( min-max )
# itemCoins to give custom ranges for individual items (note: durability not supported for items here)
# can configure custom drops for each (origional drops are replaced with these, so 0%0 would disable rewards)
# drops syntax: itemID[:subData][@maxDrop]%Probability[,another drop... ]
## 100 Probability means will drop each time
## if = 50, only means 50% chance of drop, chance of full drop is random
#drops: 344%10, 288@2%70
#drops: 2256@1%.5, 289@4%80
coins: 70-9
# itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
#itemCoins: "261>0, 268>3-6"
#drops: 2256@1%2, 289@5%90
coins: 2-8
# itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
#itemCoins: "261>0, 268>5-16"
coins: 2-5
# giant zombie, not very likely to encounter
# this is a fake human, not likely to occur
#drops: 320@2%70, 283%01
coins: 2-3
#drops: 261@1%10, 262@4%80
coins: 1-3
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: -1--2
coins: -5--10
# this applies if you kill a wolf that is your own
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: 100-500
coins: 0
coins: 2-4
coins: 0
coins: 1-2
coins: -1--2
coins: -5--10
coins: 200
coins: 700
coins: 110
coins: 120
coins: 90
coins: -100
coins: 30
# Colors are specified by using "&[colorcode]".
# (Never put colors within the angle brackets of a tag)
# Color table:
# &0 is black
# &1 is dark blue
# &2 is dark green
# &3 is dark sky blue
# &4 is red
# &5 is magenta
# &6 is gold or amber
# &7 is light grey
# &8 is dark grey
# &9 is medium blue
# &a is light green
# &b is cyan
# &c is orange-red
# &d is pink
# &e is yellow
# &f is white
# (use && for a & symbol)
# rewarded for killing a monster:
# <amount> how much credited to account
# <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
# <monster> name of the creature killed
# <item> what used to kill it
reward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer un/une &4<monster>"
rewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>"
# if the reward is specific to what the user is holding
itemreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
itemrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
# for killing a player
playerreward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer &4<player>"
playerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>"
itemplayerreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the Player &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
itemplayerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
# for the victim of the attacks
victimpay: "&f <player>&c took &f<amount>&c from you when you died"
victimprotection: "&f <player>&a payed you &f<amount>&a as penalty for killing you"
# this is for when a reward is withheld for suspected spawn camping
nocampingreward: "&a No more rewards avaliable for this area.. Try again later"
# penalized for killing a monster (if coin range is negative)
# <amount> how much removed from account
# <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
# <monster> name of the creature killed
penalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>"
# <item> what used to kill it
itempenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
# penalized for killing a player
# <amount> how much removed from account
# <player> name of the player killed
playerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing Player &f<player>"
# penalized for killing a player within the spawn protection
# <time> spawn protection time (seconds)
playercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn protection"
# <item> what used to kill
itemplayerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
itemplayercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
# if cannot afford the penalty for killing the entity
notafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>"
itemnotafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
# if no money rewarded (can be blank for none)
norewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>"
# <item> what used to kill it
itemnorewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
itemnorewardPlayer: -
La voilà ma config.
# general plugin settings
# if you don't want deciamls ($1.23)
wholeNumberRewards: false
# if only direct player kills gives reward (disables mob farming)
# (this is ignored if on a disabled world or region)
onlyKillDrop: false
# if replaceDrop, then default drops are removed & substituted
# if false, custom drops are added to the existing drops
replaceDrops: false
# if onlyKillDrop: false, should custom drops always occur?
alwaysReplaceDrops: true
# if allow hunting with wolves
allowWolfHunt: true
#disable damage if can't afford to kill? (applies to wolves, too)
disableExpensiveKill: true
# any world listed here won't be checked (comma-delimited, case-insensitive)
disableWorlds: testWorld1, world2, random_world_nether
# if any regions are defined, should they be disabled regions or the only places cm is enabled?
# true (default): regions are areas where cm is disabled
# (however, regions on disabled worlds are reversed & will be enabled)
# false: cm is globally disabled, except for within regions (disabled worlds ignored)
regionsDisable: true
# for how long a player is 'protected' from spawn camping
# (player kill rewards are nulled)
playerRewardWait: 1m
# if a player killed within the playerRewardWait period
# reward is reversed (in case of positive reward only)
# eg. player who kills the player pays amount
playerReverseProtect: true
# if the players who die pay the killer (assuming has enough)
playerPaysReward: true
# optional multiplier for dropped exp
expMultiplier: 1
# optionally can reward all player who helped kill a monster
# will give a % of the potential reward generated for each player
multipleRewards: true
#spawn camp tracking occurs when a player kills a monster
# if enabled, there are no rewards (or drops) after the threshold is passed
enabled: false
# if global is enabled, will apply camp tracking to "natural" deaths
# this would allow monsters to drop items naturally, but disable monster killing machines
# (player drops are preserved, though, to protect the innocent)
global: false
# if suspected camping kills won't drop items
disableDrops: true
# if also disabled exp drops
disableExp: true
# elevation change max
deltaY: 5
# square about center (distance from center to edge)
deltaX: 20
# time before a kill is no longer counted against tracking
# positive integer values only, units being m(inutes) h(hours) d(ays) w(eeks) M(onths) (default: m)
timeout: 20m
# max kills in the area before counted as spawn camping
campKills: 50
# any LivingEntity listed here can have it's own rewards
# can give a range for economy reward ( min-max )
# itemCoins to give custom ranges for individual items (note: durability not supported for items here)
# can configure custom drops for each (origional drops are replaced with these, so 0%0 would disable rewards)
# drops syntax: itemID[:subData][@maxDrop]%Probability[,another drop... ]
## 100 Probability means will drop each time
## if = 50, only means 50% chance of drop, chance of full drop is random
#drops: 344%10, 288@2%70
#drops: 2256@1%.5, 289@4%80
coins: 70-9
# itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
#itemCoins: "261>0, 268>3-6"
#drops: 2256@1%2, 289@5%90
coins: 2-8
# itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
#itemCoins: "261>0, 268>5-16"
coins: 2-5
# giant zombie, not very likely to encounter
# this is a fake human, not likely to occur
#drops: 320@2%70, 283%01
coins: 2-3
#drops: 261@1%10, 262@4%80
coins: 1-3
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: -1--2
coins: -5--10
# this applies if you kill a wolf that is your own
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: 1-2
coins: 100-500
coins: 0
coins: 2-4
coins: 0
coins: 1-2
coins: -1--2
coins: -5--10
coins: 200
coins: 700
coins: 110
coins: 120
coins: 90
coins: -100
coins: 30
# Colors are specified by using "&[colorcode]".
# (Never put colors within the angle brackets of a tag)
# Color table:
# &0 is black
# &1 is dark blue
# &2 is dark green
# &3 is dark sky blue
# &4 is red
# &5 is magenta
# &6 is gold or amber
# &7 is light grey
# &8 is dark grey
# &9 is medium blue
# &a is light green
# &b is cyan
# &c is orange-red
# &d is pink
# &e is yellow
# &f is white
# (use && for a & symbol)
# rewarded for killing a monster:
# <amount> how much credited to account
# <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
# <monster> name of the creature killed
# <item> what used to kill it
reward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer un/une &4<monster>"
rewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>"
# if the reward is specific to what the user is holding
itemreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
itemrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to the &f<monster>&a with a &f<item>"
# for killing a player
playerreward: "&aBravo, tu as gagner&6 <amount>&a pour avoir tuer &4<player>"
playerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>"
itemplayerreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the Player &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
itemplayerrewardpercent: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for assisting <percent> of damage to &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
# for the victim of the attacks
victimpay: "&f <player>&c took &f<amount>&c from you when you died"
victimprotection: "&f <player>&a payed you &f<amount>&a as penalty for killing you"
# this is for when a reward is withheld for suspected spawn camping
nocampingreward: "&a No more rewards avaliable for this area.. Try again later"
# penalized for killing a monster (if coin range is negative)
# <amount> how much removed from account
# <longamount> how much, with currency name (vault only)
# <monster> name of the creature killed
penalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>"
# <item> what used to kill it
itempenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
# penalized for killing a player
# <amount> how much removed from account
# <player> name of the player killed
playerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing Player &f<player>"
# penalized for killing a player within the spawn protection
# <time> spawn protection time (seconds)
playercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn protection"
# <item> what used to kill
itemplayerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
itemplayercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
# if cannot afford the penalty for killing the entity
notafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>"
itemnotafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
# if no money rewarded (can be blank for none)
norewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>"
# <item> what used to kill it
itemnorewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
itemnorewardPlayer: -
Bonjour ou bonsoir !
Je me présente, je suis Hayteckk, membre de ce forum depuis pas mal de temps, MapMaker et surtout Redstoner.
Je suis à la recherche d'une personne qui pourrait m'aider à la création d'une map à language universel. Je m'explique: une dossier "resources.rar" dans une map qui permettrait de changer le language inscrit sur les panneaux, livres,... en changeant simplement la langue dans le jeu Minecraft.
J'ai essayé de créer par moi-même un fichier .lang pour la langue française, mais hélas, ça a été sans succès.
Voici ce que j'ai commencé à créer pour ma map "Hide & Seek":
#Traduction française pour la map Hide & Seek by Hayteckk
#Spawn (Signs)
Vanilla is a map=est une map
created by=créée par
Before starting=Avant de débuter
a game, please=une partie,
make the "Start=faites le "Start
Tutorial" if you=Tutorial" si vous
still have not=n'avez jamais
played on this"joué sur cette
map. This map is=map. Cette map est
only worked with=travaillée avec la
snapshot 14w31a=snapshot 14w31a
and more=et les autres
versions of=versions de
If you want to=Si vous voulez en
learn more about=savoir plus sur
redstone, you= la redstone, vous
can visit my=allez sur ma
YouTube channel:=chaîne YouTube:
Tutorials are=Les tutoriels sont
in french,=en français,
because... I'm=parce que... je
french.=suis français.
Next mini-game=Mini-jeu suivant
in progress:=en création:
Go here to= Allez ici pour
became a=devenir un
#Shop (Signs)
Welcome to the=Bienvenue au
Shop of Hide &=Shop de Hide &
Seek. Here you=Seek. Ici vous
can buy Hiders=pouvez acheter
and Seekers=des items bonus.
Items.Left=Faites un clique
click on an item=gauche sur un item
to buy it.=pour l'acheter.
Read signs for=Lisez les panneaux
description and=pour connaître
cost of items.=les prix.
To gain Coins,=Pour avoir des
play games and=Coins, jouez et
earn you and=faites gagner
your team.=votre équipe.
Your Coins can= Vos Coins sont
be seen in the= visible dans la
list of players=liste des joueurs
(by pressing=avec la touche
Tab) and above=Tab) et au-dessus
your experience=de votre barre
bar. To buy Kits,=d'éxpérience.
you must first=Pour acheter des
select a map=Kits, vous devez
Kits are=avant sélectionner
different=une map.
depending maps.=
/!\ Seekers=Les items des
items buyable=Seekers achetable
in Shop are only=dans le Shop
available if you=sont seulement
select a Seeker=disponible si
Kit before the=vous commencez
start of game.=en Seeker.
If you die as=Si vous mourrez
Hider, you=en Hider, vous
became a=deviendrez un
Seeker /!\=Swordsman /!\
Get 2 Ender=Avoir 2 Ender
Get Speed= Avoir Speed
Get Thorns=Avoir une armure
armor & Sword=Thorns avec épée
Get 1 bomb at= Avoir 1 bombe au
start of games=début du jeu
Get 3 Ender=Avoir 3 Ender
Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider et me dire ce que j'ai fait de mal dans le fichier s'il vous plaît ?