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Modern Super Mansion [Creation]

Discussion dans 'Corbeille' créé par hosjab, 6 Fev 2017.

  1. hosjab

    hosjab Nouveau

    6 Fev 2017
    This map features an amazingly modern mansion which lets you live the life of a millionaire in Minecraft. All of it is realistically designed and this means that it will include custom furniture which doesn’t have any actual functions except for just looking realistic. It’s a great map if you want to live in a modern house in a survival world or if you just need some inspiration for your own creations.

    The mansion is situated in the middle of nowhere in a forest. It was originally submitted as an old world but I fixed it up and exported it into an infinite world.

    It’s a very large property with a huge lawn.

    The interior is very spacious and almost everything is decorated.

    The kitchen is probably one of my favorite parts of the house. It just looks very realistic and includes some really cool details.

    Upstairs you can find multiple bedrooms and bathrooms.


    modern-super-mansion-7.jpg modern-super-mansion-9.jpg modern-super-mansion-4.jpg
    #1 hosjab, 6 Fev 2017
    Dernière édition par un modérateur: 11 Fev 2017
  2. Calambiel

    Calambiel Résident de l'End

    5 Août 2014
    6 594
    Sorry, but this looks like some kind of bot post, your topic has been moved to the trash.

    If this is an error, please PM me to restore it.

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